The Avatar Database Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by AdalineRose, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. Cool thanks
  2. Or some Android devices! My Samsung Galaxy 10 allows me to do so.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  3. Newsletter #4
    Hello Pimd Community!! It has been nearly two months since the last Newsletter. It's also the biggest update yet for 2020! Although Lily did a ninja update not long ago, I decided to wait until we were all caught up before I posted.
    A huge thanks to -Sakurahime-!!! Avatars get extremely overwhelming when ATA releases them in large batches. She did a phenomenal job on the Lunar New Year Avatars!! Also, thank you everyone who helps me obtain all the avatars each hunt 😁
    I decided to write a small bit about what it's like to work on the guide since posting it. I actually think the upkeep is harder then the majority of the work😂 I know that sounds silly, but it's very true. The last bit I needed to do before the Newsletter took me about 3 hours. I think the huge rush to post was very motivating. Now, I think its hit me how many hours upon hours it must of been.
    Nonetheless, thank you for reading Newsletter Edition #4!!
    As always, a huge thanks to @-PA_KaramelApples- for keeping the guide updated. Photoshop may be lengthy. The actual coding of the guide is something entirely else 😂 it's a beast of it's own

    Big Top Energy
    Brisbane, Been There Done That
    Getting to Know You
    Mas Appeal
    Lunar New Year 2020 Avatars
    Valentine's Day Avatar Shards 2020
    Superbowl 2020
    New XC Leaderboard Editions
    Friendship February Spinner Avatars
  4. OMG! Love this thread! Thank you so much for this. 🥺🖤🤗
    AdalineRose likes this.
  5. _Megaera_, Maddi_Matsu and Day like this.
  6. Newsletter #5
    Welcome to Newsletter Edition #5! I can't believe it's nearly been a year since I started the guide! I think the anniversary is April 29th.

    The last couple months has been crud on the hand tendonitis front. A huge shootout to Rad for taking over a lot of photoshop. He is a saint seriously.

    A big thanks to @iObedient and @AngelicAussie for the champagne space avatars. The guide has been in limbo due to missing them

    As always, @-PA_KaramelApples- deserves all the props for coding.

    If you haven't noticed, @Day made an INCREDIBLE guide!! It just went live TODAY! Go check it out. The Box Database Guide. She has put in countless hours of work to bring you guys some amazing new content. She did it all from the research to the coding. It was a real honor cheering her on!

    Also a BRAND new guide is coming your way soon. Some of you might know already. For those who do not, the topic at hand came out 2/12/2019!! I am super excited for my brand new guide to go live soon

    Without further ado, the updates!

    Going for Green

    Spring Home the Breakin'

    Social Buddy Boxes Series 7

    VIP Lounge Boxes Series 8

    Happy Holi Purim Avatars

    Happy St. Patrick's Day

    New App Cover Photos and Icons
    Cinnabun, Day and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  7. @Ty-Luka
    Try looking for that avi you mentioned in here.
    Day likes this.
  8. Newsletter #6
    Welcome to Newsletter Edition #6!! This last update went out a couple days ago. Hopefully, another update will happen soon.
    My one year anniversary starting on the guide passed in April!!! I still can't believe that! Where did the time go??

    Big thanks to @-PA_KaramelApples-
    I have some exciting news for the PIMD Community.

    @Day came out with her Guide to all PIMD Parties. She also has a brand new guide coming out tomorrow!!!! Stay tuned 😉 Also, don't forget about her box guide if you haven't seen it yet.
    Box Database Guide

    @Maddi_Matsu is making wonderful progress on her Furniture Guide. She needs help with these sets if you have the complete dorms!!!
    Furniture Guide Set Pictures Checklist

    Also, a fun shootout to @ATAClaptrap for always helping out with our crazy guide ideas. The community would not be the same without you!

    I'll wrap up with my Pet Style Guide is still in the works. 😊
    Below is all the recent updates to the Avatar Database Guide.

    April Spinner Avatars
    May Spinner Avatars
    Shard Avatars
    Shard Avatars
    A Rain of Peach Blossoms Story Pass
    New Store Avatars
    The Speedy Word and the Angry Word
    The Great Eggscape
    Pirate Practice
    Monster of the Week
    Cinnabun, Maddi_Matsu and Day like this.
  9. @iiiiiiiiiiiilllllll

  10. so can we not collect these no more ??
  11. The autumn sensu, ghostly weapon, zodiac, golden age, stories about toys, Rendezvous in cebu, ghostly 2019, Yarn, greek, and LNY shard avatars can still be collected. (Lunar new year avatars are only available for 80 more days)
    Cinnabun, LadyVi, Muschi and 3 others like this.
  12. First, thank you for taking the time to create this! It must have taken a long time, for that thank you!
    Second, say I open a 2019 valentine shard avatar box, would I still acquire the avatar or no? Thanks in advance! ♡
  13. Unless you have an activator you can no longer get the avatar.
    Muschi, DeadlyVixen, Ro and 1 other person like this.
  14. This is nice to see all the avatars, is there a thread like this for all the rooms that have been?
  15. There will be soon! Maddi is working on it.
    Muschi likes this.
  16. Cool, thanks for letting me know!
    Excited to see it. ☺️
    Zelda and Day like this.
  17. Can someone please send the hunt thread for cabin on the island?
  18. All of the hunt banners on this thread are hyperlinks. If you tap the picture at the top for the avis you're looking at it'll bring you to it. But here's cabin on the island.
    Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  19. Tysm beautiful!
  20. Loveeee this tysm!
    AdalineRose likes this.