[Guide] Chat Channels

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Muschi, Oct 19, 2018.

  1. [​IMG]
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    When it comes down to it, PIMD is a social game. The ability to interact with other players is part of what makes this game interesting, for better or for worse.

    There are many ways to socialize on PIMD, but the chat channels are where it all begins. The four chat channels (Campus, Pub, Club, and Tutors) are hubs of communication, varying from traders advertising their wares to people requesting roleplay.

    Knowing how to use the channels properly is essential. While some of the basics are easy to pick up on, ensuring you know all the fine details of the channels can improve and even personalize your gameplay.

    Accessing, Navigating, & Posting

    It's easy to access chat channels. The home screen even provides a small preview window to it. To access the full-screen version of chat channels, just tap on the preview window.


    Once accessed, you can swipe your screen left and right to navigate the channels. The very last window, "Find Channels," gives you the ability to turn off access to certain channels. At the moment, only the Pub and Tutors can be unfollowed. The channels can be toggled at your leisure.

    ー On • ー Off

    To post in public channels (i.e. Campus and Pub), you need to use a Speaker per message. Every user gets 5 Speakers regenerated every hour, and it caps at 25 Speakers.


    A player can have more than 25 Speakers at a time, but these either need to be purchased for 1 Extra Credit in the Shop or won off the Spinner.

    You do not need Speakers to post in the private channels, i.e. Club (CC) and Tutors (TC).

    Posts are also limited to 100 characters each. When getting close to character limit, a bubble pops up to display how many more can be added.


    To get within character limit, the community has created a number of abbreviations over the years. These abbreviations are listed in The PIMD Dictionary.

    Channel #1: Campus Chat

    Campus is the main public chat channel, and is occasionally called World Chat or WC.

    Campus is one of the busiest channels, as it contains various posts by players as well as game notifications. Examples of posts made in Campus include trading advertisements, in-game relationship requests, and club banners. Game notifications are highlighted in purple and contain information about new players on the game and party initiation messages for clubs.

    It is important to note that roleplay requests are against the rules in Campus, and belong in the Pub. The Pub was created with the intention of having a public channel solely for socialization. See the section "Channel #2: The Pub" below for details.

    Campus ("World") Announcements, or WA, cost 26 Speakers. These are messages that scroll across the top of Campus for 15 minutes, instead of being displayed in the bulk of the chat channel. This can prevent it from getting buried under other messages and notifications. WA posts are limited to 90 characters, unlike regular posts which allow 100 characters.


    WA is most useful for advertising clubs. Another way to advertise clubs is to make a Club Advertisements, which were introduced on September 27th, 2017.

    Club Ads are larger highlighted posts that contain information such as your club name, the current ongoing party, and your club pin. The ongoing party information makes it especially useful for calling for LBH or an open premium party.


    Club Ads are exclusive to Campus and can be made by pressing and holding on the speech icon until the text bar inverts in color. An example can be viewed in the announcement thread linked above. These Ads also cost 1 Speaker like a normal post.

    Because Campus is a public chat channel, it is subject to moderation by both the game developers as well as moderators hand-picked by the devs. Further details on this can be found in the section "Moderation & Silencing" below.

    Channel #2: The Pub

    The Pub is the newest chat channel, being introduced on 19 June 2018 (with a slight teaser appearing on 25 May 2018, under the working name of "After Dark").

    Upon entering the Pub for the first time, players will be greeted by a content warning for the Pub and a prompt to enter one's age. After entering an age and tapping the "Join Channel" button, players can begin to post.


    Please note that the entire game is subject to a 17+ age requirement. If you do not meet the age requirement listed for the Pub, then you do not meet the age requirement for the game.

    The Pub functions similarly to Campus, with a few core differences. Most notably, there are no game notifications or Club Ads. In addition, as the Pub is intended for social purposes, roleplay requests are permitted in the Pub whilst being silencable in Campus.

    Other than that, everything that can be posted in Campus is allowed in the Pub.

    Since the Pub is a public chat channel, the game developers and their hand-picked moderators will enforce the game rules in it. More details on this are in the section below titled "Moderation & Silencing."

    For some users, the Pub can be too raunchy due to the nature of some RP requests. As such, players have been given the option to toggle the Pub "off." This option is explained in the above section "Accessing, Navigating, & Posting."

    Channel #3: Club Chat

    Club chat is pretty self-explanatory. It's a private channel for members of your club. It isn't moderated (except by club admins), and as such functions partially like a large group chat between clubmates.

    The Club Announcement, or CA, bar operates pretty much the same as Campus' WA, except that it doesn't cost speakers. (Only certain club ranks of adminship can change CA.)

    A club can set up their own rules for what they deam as not allowed in CC, and breaking this can result in you being muted for one hour by an admin or being kicked from the club.

    Some examples of things that can result in mutes in clubs are spamming the chat or continually using vulgar language. Be sure to read the club wall or ask an admin about what their policy, if any.

    For information on what club ranks have the abilities to change CA, mute members, kick members, and more, check out the thread Moar Club Role Slots!

    CC will also include club notifications such as if someone joined or left the club, if a party started or was forfeited, et cetera. These notifications appear the same as the game notifications in Campus chat, highlighted in purple.

    Channel #4: Tutor Chat

    Tutor chat, or TC for short, is also fairly self-explanatory. This is a private chat for pupils and their tutors.

    You can only see messages by your own pupil and your own tutors. You cannot see messages by your pupil's other tutors, your pupil's pupil, or your tutor's tutors. As a result, sometimes you can see your pupil or tutors talking seemingly to themselves. Fear not: they are just communicating with their pupil or tutors!

    Use of TC among players varies. Some use it daily while some don't use it at all. This makes it the least used chat channel of all four. If you choose not to partake in TC, you have the option to turn it "off," as explained in the section titled "Accessing, Navigating, & Posting" above.

    Moderation & Silencing

    The public chat channels, Campus and the Pub, are locations where the game rules are enforced. This is done for the safety and enjoyment of all players.

    These channels are monitored by the game developers (when able) and game moderators. More information about mods can be found in Mods / HS / Devs.

    Information about the rules of PIMD can be found at the links listed below. The underlined ones being especially important reading for Campus and the Pub.
    • • • • •
    Forum Code of Conduct | Game Code of Conduct
    In-Game Extortion Policy | LGBTQ+ Community
    Personal Information Policy | Silencing Policy FAQ
    Use of Inappropriate Language | Terms of Service
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    The various consequences that can result from breaking a rule are detailed in Silences, Bans, & Related Issues. Often, silences (and bans, in extreme situations) result without warning, so being well-versed in the rules is necessary to avoid these consequences. While appeals can be made, they typically are not reversed.

    In addition, all four chat channels are subject to asterisk-based censoring of common vulgar terminology and other words or phrases deemed inappropriate for PIMD.

    Bypassing of some of these censors are allowed depending on the context. Typically this goes for basic curse words, as long as they are not being used to insult other players. Details on which bypasses are allowed can be found in some of the threads on the game rules linked above.

    Colored Names & Emoji Spells

    Most players' names will appear the standard black. However, sometimes you will come across colorful names in chat channels! Some colors are more popular than others...
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    The standard color (or lack thereof) for players' names. It is permanent, unless overruled by any of the other colored names.

    The result of a special Relationship date. It costs 2 Extra Credits. More information can be found in [Guide] Relationships. The date lasts 24 hours.

    The result of a special Relationship date. It costs 2 Extra Credits. More information can be found in [Guide] Relationships. The date lasts 24 hours.

    The result of activating either a Care Pack Notice or a special cash payout date available in occasional hunts. It lasts 2 hours.

    The result of being awarded the Honor Student achievement. This is permanent, unless revoked for improper behavior.

    The result of being awarded the Resident Advisor achievement (i.e. a game moderator). This is permanent, unless revoked for improper behavior or the player retires from moderating.

    The result of being a game developer. This is permanent and also features a red background to highlight posts. Permanent.
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    Fun fact: new players' names used to appear in dark gray for their first 7 days on PIMD.
    Photo courtesy of @Schwanz.

    The hunt Save the Date had an exclusive date for a navy blue colored name. This is the only time a color other than the aforementioned ones has been used.

    In addition to colored names, some hunts have additional adornments for players' names called Emoji Spells. Emoji Spells can either be activated via a date with one's RS or by purchasing it in the Shop. The emojis are placed on either side of the player's name and typically last 24 hours.

    The following are some examples of previous Emoji Spells that were available, and when they were available. Each linked thread contains more information about how these Emoji Spells were activated.
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    Available during April Fool's Day 2021.

    Available during the Cryptid! at the Disco hunt.

    🎂Birthday Cakes🎂
    Available during PIMD's 10th Anniversary.

    🖤Black Hearts🖤
    Available during the La Ville Lumiére hunt.

    💔Broken Hearts💔
    Available during the promo period for the Love on a Budget hunt.

    Available during the Autumn Leaves hunt.

    🍾Champagne Bottles🍾
    Available during the Dropping the Ball hunt.

    Available during April Fool's Day 2021.

    Available during the Cryptid! at the Disco hunt.

    Available during the Cryptid! at the Disco hunt.

    Red Hearts
    Available during the promo period for the Love on a Budget hunt.

    🙊Speak-No-Evil Monkeys🙊
    Available during April Fool's Day 2021.
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    Contributor Accolades

    A guide takes a lot of work! Making and, years later, completely revamping this guide to what you see today was a joint effort. I'd like to give a shout-out to a few people that helped me, both big and small.
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    For supplying the tests for the devs' red names!

    For supplying the tests for the mods' green names!

    For uploading edits for my non-mod self!

    For assisting me in the original guide and uploading edits for my non-mod self!

    For supplying various colored name tests, including an ancient screenshot of the noob dark gray names! For proofreading this for me. And also for being you.
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    Your assistance and support on bringing the Chat Channels guide to fruition is much appreciated.

    Other Guides by Yours Truly

    Avatars on PIMD | Extra Credit | Mods / HS / Devs
    PIMD Crates | Relationships | The Battle List
    The Official PIMD Timeline
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    #1 Muschi, Oct 19, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2021
    Julian, Musei, GoddessHailey and 6 others like this.
  2. I hate when people discuss height in pub. For some reason it's a topic almost every night.
  3. Yeah, that's why I included it.
  4. Thank you for this. I personally think it's what new players needed to know :)
    Muschi likes this.
  5. Can one of the mods tell ATA to move hailey's guides to the guide section?
    Muschi likes this.
  6. Wait, how tall is Wednesday?
  7. Miss Hailey, another special thanks and appreciation for good guides
    Muschi likes this.
  8. Thank you <3
    PoolNoodle likes this.
  9. This thread has received a complete revamp, almost 3 years after the original. ❤😇 I hope this updated guide is helpful and informative. I expanded upon the topics discussed in the original and even got a cameo from a dev! My other guides will all be receiving revamps in the upcoming months if all goes as planned.
    Musei, Schwanz, Honor and 1 other person like this.
  10. Another helpful guide🥺💕 Ty Muschi
    Muschi likes this.
  11. Ive Iever understood tut chat even with the picture whoever it was drew. But somehow i got it with this. I think 😂
    Muschi likes this.
  12. Such a great guide! Good work Muschi 🤗
    Muschi likes this.
  13. Don't forget to make sure u spam your trading posts in both world chats
  14. I mean, technically that isn't against the rules anymore... 😖
    Hurricaine likes this.
  15. Bans do happen y’all. ClapTrap doesn’t play around his ban hammer 😂
    Muschi likes this.
  16. Some spells names do come back thought like the champagne bottle 🍾 for holidays .

    There’s new spell names that were offered during the Groovy Hunt

    Or the hearts that we recently have for this ❤️ day 2022 that were found in the RS gifts section for a limited time
    MayaTheHopeful and Muschi like this.
  17. Thanks, fellow Hailey!
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  18. I need how to post purple banner in chat guide