Box Database

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Day, Mar 31, 2020.

  1. RJ needs help finding it, here you go.
  2. This is awesome work🙌🙌🙌
    Day likes this.
  3. Selling Stellarama 499 Lvl 3 Ursa Major Minor
  4. Also not the thread for this. Please use this one.
    iLove2Play, Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  5. I know this most likely isn't the thread for this, but can someone please point to a thread where I can find some fair trading prices for Black and Gold Boxes
  6. They are currently going for between 3-5c each
    Muschi likes this.
  7. Price check on Filipino boxes 🥺
  8. Most people are buying random boxes for 10-20:1c except the really old boxes with good furnitures
  9. So would you say 30 for a bento is over priced?
  10. I don’t personally think 20 for a chibi is accurate.

    I’ve seen certain boxes go for 30 per bento, but that’s usually rarer or more desirable boxes. The box you asked about isn’t incredibly rare.
    iLove2Play likes this.
  11. 30 per bento for the Filipino boxes could be overpriced as its not in demand
  12. I know someone who sells these for 120 per bento.
    Also good job Day, this looks awesome well done 🥺
    Day likes this.
  13. Is 50 crypt boxes per bento a fair price?
  14. @KazerX03
    Brenley5 likes this.
  15. Oh wow this is super neat!
  16. Does anyone know which box the Cu-Tea furniture is from? I scrolled through the guide and didn’t see it but could’ve missed it.
  17. It was from buddy boxes, and now they're in the Legacy boxes
  18. Love this guide