The Avatar Database Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by AdalineRose, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. @Aradia
    please view the first page to see the information
    Raviolii, Rulingbison and Aradia like this.
  2. Is there a list of ones that are still obtainable?
  3. I don't think there's an updated list, but these are the ones that are still obtainable (not sure if I missed any)
    Pls note that the list below is not in chronological order and does not include VIP avis obtainable from items in the Champagne/Legacy Champagne Box. You can view the VIP avis here

    • Autumn Springs - Autumn Sensu (F) & (M) [Shikki box]
    • Golden Age Glamour - Antique Rings [Encore box] & Mirrors [Encore Timer box]
    • Rendezvous in Cebu - Tiradors & Leaf Balls [Filipino Box]
    • Cold Comfort - Red Yarn [Cozy box] + Blue/Yellow Yarn [Cozy Timer box]
    • Malice in Wonderland - Ghostly Axe/Bat [Wonderland Box]
    • Are You Afraid Of The Park? - Phantom Armored Bat/Hatchet [Primsey Tale Box]
    • Cryptid! at the Disco - Ghostly Wallet/Flamingo [Crypt Box]
    • All about Toys - Skytwirler Bluewing [Blokka Box] + Skytwirler Greenwing/Purplewing [Blokka Timer Box]

    Activator in Store
    • Zodiac - [Zodiac Shard Box] + Avatar Activator
    • Greek - [Pantheon Shard Box] + God/Goddess Avatar Activator
    • Birthstone - [Birthstone Shard Box] + Birthstone Avatar Activator
    • Tarot - [Tarot Shard Box] + Tarot Avatar Activator
  5. thank you!
  6. Omg I spent hours looking to see when did I get this avi !! And after looking to all the years I Found it thank you !! Also watching this thread for future ref
  7. Amazing guide!
    I didn't remember I had helped in this but I was glad to find my name in the list. 🙊💕
  8. What?! Do you have any more info on that?
  9. Yeah. Expect the Avi trading first, nub.
    lustylegend likes this.
  10. Also, I jest. Sorry. No offense.
  11. Avatars will not be tradeable, in reference to shard avatars and where the confusion comes from, here’s what was said:
    Frieren5, Muschi and GoddessHailey like this.
  12. Bumping to tag @Sua
    I hope you pursue and maintain that avatar blog :)
    Frieren5 likes this.
  13. Is there a way to help keeping the ava lists updated ?
  14. Only mods or devs can update existing posts, so yes technically. However I currently have a bit too many guides to personally update so I can’t upkeep this one too :(
    Croatia and Frieren5 like this.