Guide to Clubs Hi Everyone! Although there have been threads and guides that feature some of this information, I thought it would be useful to see a completed compilation of this information and calculations on cost for admin roles. If you have any criticism, would like to contribute, or have ideas on how to better improve this guide, please wall or gift me @Day. What is a Club? Spoiler A Club is a place to party, earn rewards and socialize. Each club is different, and some focus on running parties, whereas others choose to socialize or roleplay. There are even clubs that run back-to-back premium parties, and clubs that allow unlimited DNs. Clubs are also able to participate in Parties, Wars, and special XCs or Leaderboards. Making a Club Spoiler To start a club, just click on the Club icon and select the blue Start A Club button in the bottom left-hand corner. After, you will have the option to fill in the information for your new club! Clubs can be created for 200M Cash or 100ec, and can not share a name with an existing Club. All names for Clubs must abide by the ToU. How do I join a Club? Spoiler There are a lot of ways to find a club to join! The easiest way is usually to check Campus for banners or advertisements. However, if you are searching for a more specific type of club, check the Club Banner Thread to see all of the clubs currently looking for members. Once you find a Club to join, click the green Join button at the bottom left-hand corner of the Club Page. Club Roles and Responsibilities Spoiler The President has absolute control over all Club features, abilities, and member management. Starting Slot(s): 1 Max Slot(s): 1 Slot Purchase Price: N/A Vice Presidents are second in the ability to the President, and can only manage members below them. Additionally, they are able to: Start Wars Change Member Roles Change Member Titles Unlock Additional Role Slots Manage Club Applications Enable/Disable Join Requests Mute Members Start/Forfeit Parties Edit the Club Announcement Edit the Club Wall Starting Slot(s): 1 Max Slot(s): 10 Slot Purchase Price: 250B Cash for the first 3 slots, 363B, 526B, 762B, 1.105T, 1.602T, 2.324T, 3.369T Total Unlock Cost: 10.846T Executives can not kick members, and can only manage members below them. Additionally, they are able to: Start Wars Change Member Roles Change Member Titles Unlock Additional Role Slots Manage Club Applications Enable/Disable Join Requests Mute Members Start/Forfeit Parties Edit the Club Announcement Edit the Club Wall Starting Slot(s): 1 Max Slot(s): 20 Slot Purchase Price: 100B Cash for the first 5 slots, 142B, 202B, 286B, 407B, 577B, 820B, 1.164T, 1.653T, 2.347T, 3.333T, 4.733T, 6.721T, 9.544T, 13.553T, 19.245T Total Unlock Cost: 65.227T Bounceforcers are not able to manipulate any of the roles above or below them, and are able to: Kick Club Members Manage Club Applications Mute Members Starting Slot(s): 1 Max Slot(s): 20 Slot Purchase Price: 5B Cash for the first 10 slots, 8B, 14B, 25B, 42B, 71B, 121B, 205B, 349B, 593B, 1.008T Total Unlock Cost: 2.486T Party Jockeys are able to: Start/Forfeit Parties Edit the Club Announcement Edit the Club Wall Starting Slot(s): 1 Max Slot(s): 20 Slot Purchase Price: 5B Cash Total Unlock Cost: 100B Cash Club Reps are able to: Manage Club Applications Starting Slot(s): 1 Max Slot(s): 20 Slot Purchase Price: 5B Cash for the first 10 slots, 14B, 25B, 42B, 71B, 121B, 205B, 349B, 593, 1.008T Total Unlock Cost: 2.486T Full Members are full members of the club and have no specific powers. Starting Slot(s): No Limit Max Slot(s): No Limit Slot Purchase Price: N/A Guests are temporary members of the club and do not have the same privileges as Full Members. They cannot post Club Announcements in public channels. Starting Slot(s): No Limit Max Slot(s): No Limit Slot Purchase Price: N/A If you’ve been doing your math throughout this, you probably noticed that it isn’t cheap to unlock all of the roles in a club. In fact, it takes 81.145T! (Crazy, I know.) Luckily, roles do not need to be unlocked by one player alone and can be paid for by anyone who is appointed with high enough power. Parties Spoiler How to Start or Forfeit a Party Spoiler To start a Party, go to the green Parties button, then select the Party you would like to start. Parties take 15 minutes to start after initiation, and range in difficulty and duration. In order to forfeit a Party, go to the Club Page and hit the red Forfeit button. Forfeiting parties does not currently contribute to Club Rank or negatively affect the club as a whole. Additionally, leaving the club if you initiated the Party will automatically cause a forfeit of the Party. Party of the Day Spoiler Every day there is a designated Party of the Day and PRO Party of the Day that is chosen at random. The POTD and PPOTD can give hunt drops, boxes, and special items upon completion of the Party. It resets every day at the changeover, or 12PM PST and only drops for the duration of 24 hours. Check the POTD Thread daily for updates on what parties are being tested, or if the POTD has been found. Premium Parties Spoiler Certain parties in PIMD require special items in order to finish the Party. The two parties that regularly require premium items are: Cat Cafe and Pizza Pop(Art). These premium items can be earned in boxes, or rewards, and can be purchased in the Store. During specific hunts, there is also a limited premium item that is known as an Invite. Invites have their own parties of varying difficulty and require anywhere from 4 to 22 invites. These invites do not have to be dropped by the same player, so many clubs have multiple droppers. Party Types Spoiler There are five different types of regular parties: Art Skool, Bro Code, Hipster, VIP Pass, and Otaku. Each section has parties of varying difficulty and has an equal chance to be the POTD with the exception of the Premium Parties. PRO Parties offer the same sections as previously mentioned, but have a higher level of general difficulty for players to complete. For more information on the specifics of parties, you can refer to the Guide to All PIMD Parties. Wars Spoiler Starting a War Spoiler To initiate a War, go to the Club Page of the club you would like to War with, and tap the button below the club name. Only the president or an admin of the club can challenge another club to a War. Check below for examples! Android is on the left, and iOS is on the right. War Types Spoiler After deciding on what club to War with, you can choose between the different types of Wars: Food Fight: Let them eat cake! Duration: 4 hours Starts in 1 hour and 30 minutes Dorm Raid: Toilet paper will be the least of your rivals’ worries. Duration: 6 hours Starts in 1 hour and 30 minutes War: When all else fails. Duration: 1 day Starts in 1 hour and 30 minutes Locked vs Unlocked Roster Spoiler The difference between a Locked and an Unlocked Roster is simple! Locked Rosters require all participants that wish to take part in the War to be there before the War begins. After the War is active, new participants can not be added to the roster, and participants who leave the club can not rejoin the War. Unlocked Rosters allow participants to join in at any point during the War. Even if a participant has missed the bulk of the War, they can still join with no repercussions. However, if you are active in the War and have earned your team plunder, your side will lose the plunder you collected if you leave the club before the end of the War. Preparing for War Spoiler Be sure to hide your Cash shortly before the start of the War. This can be done by hiring tutors, buying pots, or depositing Cash into the Bank. Upgrading or opening a dorm is also another option, but some Wars have restrictions or deadlines on the two so read through all rules and regulations set by the host(s). Last, make sure to plan accordingly for the day and time of the War to ensure no last-minute cancelations. Hosts of Wars often spend a good amount of time balancing the rosters before the day of the War, so cancelations or dropouts may negatively affect other participants. If you do have to cancel, try to see if a friend around your stats can take your place if possible. For more specifications and tips on what to expect before and during a War, refer to the Guide to Wars thread. Club Bonus Items Spoiler Spoiler Amps can be obtained from various boxes, the Spinner, Stories, and XC rewards. Wild Amps are the only amp that can be directly purchased in the Store, these amps can be used for any Party and can stack on top of other amps for an added bonus. All amps need to be activated with their corresponding Party Amp Keytars that can be purchased for 50 Cash in the Store. When used, amps increase cash from Party actions by 10%. Spoiler Jets can only be obtained by purchasing it directly from the Store for 29 Silver XC Crowns. Once purchased, the item can be activated with a Party Jet Key, also in the store, for 50 Cash. When used, this item will start the current Party immediately and will give a 20% drop boost upon completion. If the club successfully completes the Party, all participants will continue to receive this 20% drop boost for an hour, even if they leave the club. Spoiler Limos can be obtained from various boxes, the Spinner, Stories, and XC rewards. They are not able to be directly purchased in the Store. To activate a Limo, purchase a Party Limo Key for 50 Cash in the Store. When used, this item decreases the Party start time by 10 minutes and will cause the Party to start immediately if the remaining time is 10 minutes or less. Spoiler Yachts can be obtained from various boxes, the Spinner, Stories, and XC rewards. They are not able to be directly purchased in the Store. To activate a Yacht, purchase a Party Yacht Key for 50 Cash in the Store. When used, this item will start your Party immediately. Spoiler Slow Jams can be obtained from various boxes, the Spinner, Stories, and XC rewards. They can also be purchased directly from the Store for 5 Extra Credits and are activated with a Slow Jam Spreader that can be purchased for 50 Cash in the Store. When used, this item extends the current Party by 15 minutes; only 4 Slow Jams can be used per Party. Solo Bonus Items Spoiler Spoiler Players can earn a Care Pack Notice from various boxes, stories, and rewards. To activate them, you will need to purchase a Care Pack from the Store for 50 Cash. Once activated, Care Packages give you a 2x boost to Party plunder. Spoiler Opening one of these boxes allows a chance to obtain Care Pack Notices, Party Yachts, Party Limos, Slow Jams, and all the Party Amps. The daily purchase limit for these boxes is 5 per day, and each box can be purchased for 10ec in the Store. Spoiler Peace Tags stop all PvP actions towards the player who has the item activated for the duration of the Peace Tag. If the player attempts to make a PvP action while a Peace Tag is activated, they will fail the hit and get a warning. Attempting to hit again within 60 seconds of the previous hit will result in a break of the Peace Tag and the hit will go through. 4 Hour Peace Tag Cost: 49ec 8 Hour Peace Tag Cost: 79ec 1 Day Peace Tag Cost: 239ec 3 Day Peace Tag Cost: 719ec Peace Tags can be purchased in the Store or won off the Spinner. Club Features and Functions Spoiler Accept/Reject Applicants Spoiler To manage Applicants, go down to the bottom of the Club Page and select the Accept/Reject Applicants button. From there, you can Accept All, or individually accept or reject Applicants. Additionally, Admins can view the Applicants’ stats and have a direct link to their profile. Club Advertisements Spoiler Club Advertisements will show your indicated message, as well as: Party that is taking place, time left in the Party, Club Icon, and the link to your Club Page. Holding down on the chat icon will bring up the Club Advertisement box, like this! Tapping on the Club Ad will take you straight to the Club Page, so players can easily access the club for things like LBH! Note: Similar to other in-game features, Club Advertisements must still adhere to the ToU and can result in silences or further consequences if deemed inappropriate by a moderator. Club Announcement Spoiler The Club Announcement is the banner that is moving above the Club Chat. Certain admins have the ability to edit this, and it allows them to relay important information. Many clubs ask that new members read both the CW and CA to stay up to date on what is going on in the club. Club Chat Spoiler Club Chat is often referred to as “cc”, and is the chat channel that is exclusive to each Club. Members can be muted within this channel for up to an hour by an admin with the appropriate role. Club History ❄️ Spoiler The Club History allows all players to view previous Wars and Parties. Any player has access to this information, regardless of if they are a member of the Club. On the Wars tab, you can view: all recent Wars, who won, and how long ago it occurred. If you click Details, it will display the total plunder made, all actions made, and the winner. Player Stats will show an in depth breakdown of which players made the most plunder during the War. On the Parties tab, you can view: all recent parties, how long it took to complete, and how long ago it was completed. If you click Details, it will also display every player who made an action during the Party, Cash made, and types of drops received. Many clubs check Actions to see if players have used a DN on the Party or to determine activity level. Club Members Spoiler This section shows the name, stats, role, and tag of every member of the club. Members are sorted by role, and then stats. Android is on the left, and iOS is on the right. Club Page Spoiler This is the information that all players can view upon viewing a Club. This includes the Club name, wall, pin, and current Party or War. Android is on the left, and iOS is on the right. Note: Similar to other in-game features, information on all Club Pages must still adhere to the ToU and can result in a silence or further consequence for the President of the Club if deemed inappropriate by a moderator. Club Settings Spoiler Club Settings allow admins to make changes to different aspects of Club functions. Android is on the left, and iOS is on the right. Anyone who is a Full Member or above can purchase pins, and will be charged accordingly. Once pins are equipped, they will show up in Club Ads and on your Club Page. Pins Spoiler Starter Pins: Spoiler Beer Mug Coffee Cup Solo Cup Pins Available for 500m: Spoiler Avocado Dinosaur Fire Hypnocat Lightning Lips Nail Polish Party Fairy Pride Flag Spiked Collar Tah-Dah! Pins Available for 1T: Spoiler Burger Hot Dog Pizza Pins Available for 100ec: Spoiler Cake Donut Milkshake Special Event Pins: Spoiler Rainbow Pot of Gold Four-Leaf Clover World Cup Gold World Cup Silver World Cup Bronze World Cup Runner Up World Cup Participant World Cup Vevuzela World Cup Scarf Soccer Ball Air Horn PIMD March Mayhem 2019 Gold PIMD March Mayhem 2019 Silver PIMD March Mayhem 2019 Bronze PIMD March Mayhem 2019 Minimum Combined Stats allows admins to set restrictions on who can apply based on stats. The lowest is 0, meaning there is no stat requirement, and the highest possible is 9.2Qi cs. The Join Policy has four options: Auto Join, Open On Request, Invite Only, and Closed. Auto Join allows any new applicants access to the club without approval from an admin. Open On Request allows players to apply, but they must still be accepted in by an admin. Invite Only is like the name suggests, and only allows players with a direct invite from the club. And lastly, Closed does not accept any new members. Android is on the left, and iOS is on the right. If you have a Gold Pass at the Club, you will have the fourth option before leaving the Club: Give Up Your Gold Pass. Forfeiting your Gold Pass will not allow you to return to the club unless it is open, or you have a new invite from an admin. The last option allows you to leave the Club. Leaving the club requires an invite back or the Club to be open in order to return. Club Wall Spoiler The Club Wall is the specific section that is titled Club Info, and often contains rules and requirements for the club. It is a smaller sub-section of the Club Page as seen below. Android is on the left, and iOS is on the right. Note: Similar to other in-game features, information on all Club Walls must still adhere to the ToU and can result in a silence or further consequence for the President of the Club if deemed inappropriate by a moderator. Gold Passes Spoiler A Gold Pass allows anyone holding it to leave and come back to a club without applying or needing an invite. Additionally, players with a Gold Pass can still enter a Club even if it has a Closed policy. The Gold Pass never expires and allows the player to keep their Club Role and Title. However, if you are kicked out of the club you will lose your Gold Pass. A player can also hold as many Gold Passes as they would like, but clubs are limited to 15. Every club starts with one Gold Pass, and admins can purchase more for 99ec each. If you want to use your Gold Pass to return to a club, you can join your desired Club via the Club Page. Note: Even when a player holding a Gold Pass is out of the club they are still considered a member of the club, and take up a spot regardless of their presence in the club. Invites and Managing Invites Spoiler Club Invites can be managed under the Club Invites section at the bottom of the Club Page. Pending will allow you to see who has received invites, cancel invites, and how long they have to return to the Club. Android is on the left, and iOS is on the right. Send Invites will allow you to search players in your friend’s list or by name. If you have admin rights within your club, you can invite directly from the profile of the player you intend to invite. Invites stay at the top of your notifications and are valid for up to 2 days. If the player ignores the invite, they will have to ask for a new invite or apply to the club. Special Thanks to ChoKing He’s a serious rockstar and helped me get some of the numbers here. Additionally, he pushed me to create this when I was unsure of myself and kept me motivated. I absolutely value your help, Cho! Other Useful Threads |Box Database Guide|Party of the Day|Post Your Club Banner Here !!|Guide to All PIMD Parties|Guide for New Players|Guide to Wars|
So comprehensive 😍This is incredible, Day. Thank you so much for all your work! This will be super helpful for a lot of people. 💛
Like I previously mentioned, this thread isn’t for posting club banners and advertisements. Kindly use the appropriate thread.
I know this has been asked plenty but for the gold passes how would someone who is NOT an admin be able to purchase as ec are not tradeable or giftable? Any advice?
Only admins can purchase Gold Passes, but some clubs will allow you to pay bentos in exchange for a gold pass.
Can someone please explain how we would set up the advertisements and can only the owner do them or the admins too