2020 PIMD dictionary

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Kefo, Apr 16, 2020.

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  1. It isn't even 2022 yet
  2. thats the joke.
  3. But i know every term used on here. So I'm confused why you tagged me to it? Lmaoo
  4. You said this thread doesnt exist. I was showing you that it does
  5. Are you single? Coz it seems like your boyfriend doesn't exists🤣
    Muschi likes this.
  7. Hey could someone tell me what "diced" means? 🎲🎲
  8. [​IMG]

    If you are referring to the dice used as a boost cash during Flashes events ?
    Muschi likes this.
  9. That would make sense in the context, thank-you!
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  10. @Aulia23 is this the one you found?
    kimberry and GFsaysImmaSnack like this.
  11. @Vampyr this thread will help you. Top of page 1. Tap on 'spoiler' to see the list of things for each section
    Vampyr5 likes this.
  12. Looking for STAT RS!! 💕
    About me:
    Name: Chloè
    Always active🌴
    I’m 17.7 mill misc
    Age: 22

    looking for:
    A STAT relationship 17mill+
    Please max gifts 🎁
    So sorry but you’d have to ask 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Please be active ⛷
    NO RP 🎭

    wall me or gift me 💋
  13. I would to have this saved can someone please send this all to my email.. im still learning how to work this all out. It's leia100069@gmail.com thank you in advance ☺ 🙏🏽 😊.
  14. Is there a 2022 version? 🥲 There are terms used by EC clubs not listed here
    BlackMagick likes this.
  15. What does it mean when clubs say: cat - 65p ?
  16. If you drop a cat in their club, you can attend 65 parties.
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