⭐️ Pet Guide ⭐️

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -PA_KaramelApples-, Jul 19, 2019.

  1. [​IMG]

    Pet Guide

    • All About Pets
      • How Much Do They Cost?
      • Where Do You Get Them?
        • MiniPet Capsules
        • Pet Capsules
      • What Do They Do?
      • Background Info
    • Pets
      • Stats
      • Styles (Costumes)
      • Upgrading
        • Common (Pets)
        • Rare (Pets)
        • Super Rare (Pets)
    • Pet Upgrading Supplies/Boxes
      • Where/How to Get Them
    • Miscellaneous Info
      • Fun Facts
      • More Background Info
    Note: Some info is incomplete, but will be updated as I go. And other info is guessed (this is with pet stats, but I’ll show which ones are guessed) because there are distinct patterns that apply to each level of pets, as well as what kind they are (common, rare, and super rare/cat/dog/bird/mammal/etc).

    Note: The info that most of you guys are looking for (aka the items that come from supply crates) will be near the bottom of this thread! ❤️

    All About Pets

    This thread will also have most of the info in this section of the guide (all about pets), but I’ll be reiterating it here as well in case you don’t want to jump through forums!

    Note: You can only have 1 of each pet!

    How Much Do They Cost?
    . . .
    Pets can be completely free! Instead of using in-game money or directly buying pets, they’ll drop from Pet Capsules, which are free to open (since they use “time”). However, if you wish to speed things up, then that will cost Extra Credits (whether by using ec themselves or by using speed ups). Some kinds of Speed Ups can be bought in the store while others are rewards from completing stories.

    Where Do You Get Them?
    . . .
    Pets come from Pet Capsules! When opening a capsule, a pet has a chance to drop. There are 2 kinds of pet capsules: Mini Pet Capsules and Pet Capsules. Both have a chance to drop from parties.


    Now, what’s the difference between the two capsules? Starting with the Mini Pet Capsule, it only takes 3 hours to open! However, it only has the chance to drop 7 “Common” pet noms or 1 common pet (so don’t think it will drop multiple pets all at once lols). The mini pet capsule also has fewer pets/noms available to drop. For example, it only only includes 6 (common) pets in the capsule, whereas the Pet Capsule includes 13 different pets (with varying rarities).

    Moving on to the Pet Capsule, it takes 12 hours to open. However the wait is worth it since the drops increase to 20 “Common” (noms) or 1 (common/rare/super rare) pet. And as mentioned in the previous paragraph, it includes 13 different pets that may drop!

    Note: At the moment, only 1 pet capsule can be opened at a time. However this is separate from Timer Boxes, so you can have 1 timer box and 1 pet capsule each opening at the same time.

    What Do They Do?
    . . .
    Pets are cute! But for the people who don’t care about that, no worries because pets will also provide a percent bonus when equipped! I’ll discuss pet stats more in the next section.

    Background Information
    . . .
    Pets first came out February 12, 2019! Since this time, other pets, such as Pocket Pets (bunnies) and Mini Mammals (hedgehogs), have been released. Since pets are a relatively new feature (from when they were released to the time this was written), there’s not too much other info on them, but I’m sure there will be more features (and pets) to come!


    . . .
    Note: This part will be blank for now only because I’m trying to rush post this guide and I don’t have all the info on it quite yet!

    Collecting stat info also takes a really long time D: #throwback to the awful time my furn guide took a year to finish. But don’t worry because the upgrade pics I’ll be showing also include stats, it’s just a different way of looking at them! And I’ll update this section when I get enough info <3
    Styles (Costumes)
    . . .
    Pet styles are just a way to decorate your pet and make it stand out from the rest of the pets on PIMD! Some pet styles come at different intervals of leveling up your pet. For example:


    Other pet styles come from specific hunts/events, where you can purchase the styles in the store with ec (Extra Credit), or open a Pet Style Box. Pet Style Boxes were first introduced with the Legends of Spring hunt from March 5 2019. In order get a Pet Style Box, place in the hunt’s leaderboard! (Usually has to be Top 100)


    And in case you don’t know, here’s how to access (and equip) your pet’s styles:
    1. Open your profile
    2. Scroll down to the pet section
    3. click on the pet whose styles you want to see/equip
    4. Swipe left until you reach the “Style” section
    5. Click on the style you want to use
    6. Click “Use This Style!”

    Note: In the section where you can see pet styles, there is also a 3rd way to get pet styles! And that’s to buy one with extra credit. This is slightly different from the hunt pet styles you can buy, since the store style can be bought at any time.

    . . .
    In this section of the guide, I’ll be dividing the upgrade info based on if the pet is common, rare, or super rare. All pets from each level of rarity (common/rare/super rare) use the same number of noms and time to upgrade, which is why you’ll only see 1 set of pictures. The only differences are which noms and special upgrade treats they require, which I’ll note at the bottom.

    Note: Please know that this section is still a work in progress, as I have not gotten information for ALL pets to level 30 yet.

    Common Pets

    Note - Includes: Bombay, Siberian, Golden Retriever, Pug, Lovebird, and Holland Lop

    Common Pet Differences:



    Rare Pets

    Note - Includes: Siamese, Dalmatian, Cockatoo, and Flemish Giant

    Rare Pet Differences:



    Super Rare Pets

    Note - Includes: American Shorthair, German Shepherd, and Hedgehog

    Super Rare Pet Differences:


    Pet Upgrading Supplies/Boxes

    Pet Supply Boxes include special items that you’ll need to upgrade your pets! All boxes cost $100 to open.

    Where/How to Get Them
    . . .
    After upgrading your pet to levels like 5, 10, 15, etc (intervals of 5), you’ll receive a Pet Supply Box!

    Note: Some boxes will have the same items in them, the only difference being how many items will drop. For example, the box from a common cat at level 15 will include the same exact items that a box from a level 10 rare cat has (or a level 5 super rare cat). I have not yet confirmed future levels, but I’m sure you can predict what items will come next using this pattern!

    There are a lot of boxes, so I’ll be organizing them in groups and putting them in spoilers!

    Note: I wanted to make these as concise and easily readable as possible, so I included the pet’s image and the level you get the crate at in each picture.

    Common Pet Boxes

    Bombay | Siberian | Golden Retriever | Pug | Lovebird | Holland Lop


    Rare Pet Boxes

    Siamese | Dalmatian | Cockatoo | Flemish Giant


    Super Rare Pet Boxes

    Hedgehog | American Shorthair | German Sherpherd


    Miscellaneous Info

    Fun Facts
    . . .
    • You can name your pets! All you need to do is click on the pet that you want to rename, and in the “Info” tab you’ll see a “Rename” button. (Please make sure all names follow ToU)
    More Background Info
    . . .
    • As an April Fool’s joke, ATA released a Mineral Pal! Aka a pet rock. Find the Pet Rock Guide here!

      [​IMG] For the lost cost of 1,199 ec, you can turn your pet rock into a sparkling diamond. Psst, someone actually bought this; try to find them
    • In a mod crate contest hosted by LustOverLove and iJasperlyn_LuvsMyBoobies, a new pet style was made! Click here to see the winning design.

    Other Useful Threads

    Ask any game-related questions you have here
    List of Mods/HS/Dev

    Note: I’m still missing a lot of information, so if you can/want to help, it would be greatly appreciated! 💖 I also want to thank DaddiMaddi for helping me find pet boxes!
    #1 -PA_KaramelApples-, Jul 19, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
    KaiDXT, -Sho-, Piggys24 and 10 others like this.
  2. This guide turned out amazing!! I’m glad I could help!!
  3. Coolio. Am mildly shock we didn't have this already
  4. Wowowow! This is awesome! The wait was well worth it. Good job!
  5. This is super detailed and a great guide! :D awesome job :')
    -PA_KaramelApples- likes this.
  6. Tysm for this thread!😍💕💕💕
    -PA_KaramelApples- likes this.
  7. Ahh I love it!

    Super organized and well thought out as always!
    -PA_KaramelApples- likes this.
  8. Great job kara ❤️ i always love your threads :)
    Voseph and -PA_KaramelApples- like this.
  9. [​IMG]
    I love this thread💕💕💕. This pic is the only one missing.
    Muschi, Piggys24, Small and 2 others like this.
  10. Bump💕
  11. How did i miss this? Great job on this guide 👍🏻💖
  12. Dang. I have my bunbun past level 20. Had I known this was a thing I'd have taken a screenshot of what I needed to upgrade her. Nice guide tho. Here's a medal 🏅
  13. Btw for LVL.30 Siberian Cat the required items are: [5 Tuna + 3 Cat Milk + 7 Salmon Chunks]💕
  14. How do I get those Salmon Chunks? I’ve been levelling other pets for days amd still nothing. 😭
  15. I have a strong sense that this is Lily
  16. Lvl 10 pet boxs drops them
    Muschi likes this.
  17. But how do you get the pet capsules? (I've been away from the game for a year)
  18. They randomly drop from ppotd/potd or ec parties.
    Muschi likes this.
  19. Helloooo 💖 I'm trying to update this, but the new forums has a 50 picture limit (which I have gone over in this thread!). I've created a new thread that shows all the pet crate boxes!

    I have a few other additional pictures to add (which are all upgrading levels and how many noms are needed), so let me know if you guys would like that in another new thread for the time being or just added on to this message! <3 🌸
    Muschi likes this.