Updated Guide to PvP

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Day, Feb 2, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    Guide to PvP

    Hi everyone! As requested by some of the developers, here is an updated and consolidated guide to the basic aspects of PvP. Special thank you to @-iLyssaTheGummyBearKissa- for checking this over a bunch of times for clarity and coding!

    As always, any suggestions or concerns can be sent to @Day.

    Understanding PvP
    What is PvP?
    PvP is the abbreviation for Player versus Player. This refers to the in-game action(s) of attacking another player. PvP may result in winning or losing cash and potentially drops in special hunts or events.

    How does PvP work?
    In order to engage in PvP, you’ll need to go to the desired player’s profile and hit the “Fight” button in the bottom left-hand corner.

    Here’s what this looks like in action!


    Depending on your stats, you will either win or lose the battle. Specifics on how stats affect different aspects of PvP can be viewed below from a thread on PvP by [ATA]Strange.


    Where do I find my Battle Stats and how can I increase them?
    Battle stats can be viewed by scrolling down on your player profile. Below is an example!
    These percentages can be increased or decreased by hitting other players or parties.

    When attacking another player, 4 different actions can be made. Each action has its own unique set of pop-ups depending on how successful or unsuccessful the player is against their opponent. Different actions also provide different benefits and are fueled by either the strength or intelligence of the player.

    Here are some details on each type:
    Fight is a strength-based attack that, when successful, takes a percentage of money and energy from the defending player, though will give the attacker less money than a dance attack. You can view the different pop-ups you may see after using this action below.
    You crushed them like an insect.
    This fight wasn't even close, and you can likely fight that person again without fear of failing.

    It was a close fight, but you won!
    Your energy may be getting low, or your opponent is too strong for you. It may be time to either buy/use attack items, use a Doctor's Note, battle a different player, or wait to regen more strength.

    They got lucky and tripped you up.
    This means that you should have won, but the odds were not in your favor at that time. Try again or wait to regen more strength for better odds.

    You almost won...but almost doesn't count does it?
    This means that you almost won, and you probably won't win the next battle either. Waiting to regen more strength or choosing a weaker opponent is most likely a good idea.

    You were beat up pretty badly.
    You were extremely unlikely to win this fight. In these cases, the player you’re hitting is either DTS or you need to regen more strength.

    Dance is an intelligence-based attack that, when successful, will give the attacker more money than the fight action but will make the defender lose less money and energy than the fight action. You can view the different pop-ups you may see after using this action below.
    Their pathetic dance moves were no match for yours. You are a DANCE MASTER!
    This dance-off wasn't even close, and you can likely hit that person again without fear of failing.

    After an epic dance-off battle, the crowd cheered you on as the winner.
    Your energy may be getting low, or your opponent is too strong for you. It may be time to either buy/use attack items, use a Doctor's Note, battle a different player, or wait to regen more intelligence.

    You forgot your lucky dancing shoes and could not perform well.
    This means that you should have won, but the odds were not in your favor at that time. Try again or wait to regen more intelligence for better odds.

    The crowd booed you off stage after a long and tiring dance battle.
    This means that you almost won, and you probably won't win the next battle either. Waiting to regen more intelligence or choosing a weaker opponent is most likely a good idea.

    Their Blue Steel stare froze you in place, making you unable to dance.
    You were extremely unlikely to win this dance. In these cases, the player you’re hitting is either DTS or you need to regen more intelligence.

    Eavesdropping is an intelligence-based attack. When successful, it allows you to view the contents of another player's dorm room. You can view the different pop-ups you may see after using this action below.
    It was easy to figure out their plans since they left their diary out in the open.
    This action wasn't even close, and you can likely hit that person again without fear of failing.

    You broke into their locker and found their secret diary.
    Your energy may be getting low, or your opponent is too strong for you. It may be time to either buy/use attack items, use a Doctor's Note, battle a different player, or wait to regen more intelligence.

    You forgot to turn on your hidden camera. What a waste!
    This means that you should have won, but the odds were not in your favor at that time. Try again or wait to regen more intelligence for better odds.

    You left your wallet in their dorm room and got caught. That was dumb!
    This means that you almost won, and you probably won't win the next battle either. Waiting to regen more intelligence or choosing a weaker opponent is most likely a good idea.

    You fell out of a tree while trying to peek in their dorm room.
    You were extremely unlikely to win this eavesdrop. In these cases, the player you’re hitting is either DTS or you need to regen more intelligence.

    Prank is an intelligence-based action. When successful, this attack will take the most amount of energy from the defending player out of all the possible attacks. This attack yields no money for the attacker and similarly does not take money from the defender. You can view the different pop-ups you may see after using this action below.
    They practically walked into your prank.
    This means that you weren't even close to losing, and you can probably battle that person again and win.

    You avoided being discovered while pulling off your prank. Good job!
    Your energy may be getting low, or your opponent is too strong for you. It may be time to either buy/use attack items, use a Doctor's Note, battle a different player, or wait to regen more intelligence.

    You forgot to light the cherry bomb. D'oh!
    This means that you almost won, and you probably won't win the next battle either. Waiting to regen more intelligence or choosing a weaker opponent is most likely a good idea.

    Your stink bomb blew up in your face. Ewwwww!
    You were extremely unlikely to win this prank. In these cases, the player you’re hitting is either DTS or you need to regen more intelligence.

    Battle List
    What is the Battle List?
    The 'Battle List', now known as 'Meet People', can be found by swiping right from the Home Screen.
    From here, you’ll be given a selection of people who will be within your hit range (see the section below to understand this better).

    Hit Ranges
    Hit ranges function based on buckets. Players are able to attack in their own bucket as well as 2 buckets above and below. This doesn't mean that the player will be able to successfully land on a player 2 buckets up, but they will be able to complete the action even though it may fail.

    Prior to May 2019, misc used to contribute to matchmaking and hit ranges, but after the changes made in October 2019, only the first 100m of misc now contributes to hit ranges to avoid exploits related to misc.

    The amount of energy that you have contributes to how successful an action may be in PvP, so if your energy is low you might benefit from using a Doctor's Note to fully refill your energy. Assuming that the player uses the action that benefits their build, strength builds use less energy while pinning their opponent. Intel builds though take more energy in order to pin. Both builds have various strengths and weaknesses that you can read more about here or in the Builds section.

    When your energy is full, it will look like this:
    When you're out of energy it will look like this:

    If you’ve already bought pots (see Attack and Defense items), any extra cash should be hidden if you’re planning on hitting another player or are currently being hit.

    The best way to hide cash is by hiring tutors. This way there is no loss of cash when they are eventually hired away. Alternatively, you can purchase PIMDBanks or deposit cash in the bank. PIMDBanks will have a loss of 25% and the bank will have a loss of 20%.

    If you don’t have much cash, you can also ask friends or use an alt to hold cash for you in the form of gifts. Rejecting sent gifts will return your cash in full.

    Buffs, Bonuses & Items
    Buffs & Bonuses
    Buffs increase your chance of succeeding on an attack but do not have any effect on plunder.

    Here are some things that may help you succeed in a battle: Avatars, Dates, Dorm, Misc, Pets & RS (Note: Misc is currently capped by a factor of 2x dorm mates + 4x tutors + 4x RS)

    Attack & Defense Items
    Attack and Defense items are consumable items found in the store that can be used in parties, wars, and PvP. These items, often referred to as “pots” (short for potions), give players a higher chance of winning an attack. Pots are offered at a range of stats and can be intelligence or strength-based.

    Attack items can be selected individually or you can ‘select all’ when hitting other players. Selecting all items will only consume the attack pots, items such as pizza bikinis, hypnocats, or invites will not be consumed and will reappear in full after restarting your game.

    Defense items will be used automatically when owned and if necessary to defend against an attack.

    Here are the currently available Attack Items:
    Protein Smoothie / 39EC / Adds 10% to your Strength attack for 30 minutes.
    Ginseng Smoothie / 39EC / Adds 10% to your Intelligence attack for 30 minutes.
    Bag of Chips / 2,450 Cash / +4,900 Strength
    Blackmail Photos / 2,450 Cash / +4,900 Intelligence
    ElectrolyteZ Sports Drink / 9,500 Cash / +15,000 Strength
    Beer / 9,500 Cash / +15,000 Intelligence
    Muscle Milkshake / 28,000 Cash / +65,000 Strength
    Fake Love Letter / 28,000 Cash / +65,000 Intelligence
    Grilled Steak / 60,000 Cash / +65,000 Strength
    Dancing Shoes / 60,000 Cash / +140,000 Intelligence
    Bottle of Wine / 110,000 Cash / +300,000 Strength
    Cherry Bomb / 300,000 Cash / +1,000,000 Strength
    Fake Money / 300,000 Cash / +1,000,000 Intelligence
    Paintball Gun / 930,000 Cash / +10,000,000 Strength
    New Spice Bodywash / 930,000 Cash / +10,000,000 Intelligence​

    Here are the currently available Defense Items:
    Vitamin Smoothie / 39EC / Adds 10% to your Strength defense for 30 minutes.
    Caffeine Smoothie / 39EC / Adds 10% to your Intelligence defense for 30 minutes.
    Coffee / 1,225 Cash / +4,900 Strength
    Physics Textbook / 1,225 Cash / +4,900 Intelligence
    Purple Bull Energy Drink / 4,750 Cash / +15,000 Strength
    Spy Camera / 4,750 Cash / +15,000 Intelligence
    Mom’s Care Package / 14,000 Cash / +65,000 Strength
    Laptop / 14,000 Cash / +65,000 Intelligence
    Smelly Socks / 30,000 Cash / +140,000 Strength
    Sneezing Powder / 30,000 Cash / +140,000 Intelligence
    Brownies / 110,000 Cash / +300,000 Strength
    Boxing Gloves / 150,000 Cash / +1,000,000 Strength
    Spy Sunglasses / 150,000 Cash / +1,000,000 Intelligence
    Booby Trap / 300,000 Cash / +10,000,000 Intelligence
    Jock Strap / 465,000 Cash / +10,000,000 Strength​

    Peace Tags
    Peace Tags are a consumable item that allows the player to be safe from all attacks for a set period of time given they do not break the peace by hitting another player. A PT can not be activated if you have the Peace Prevention bonus active.

    Peace Prevention is a temporary bonus (15m) that is acquired after attacking another player.


    While this bonus is active, the player will not be able to activate a Peace Tag. This can be viewed by scrolling down on your profile under Temporary Bonuses as seen below.


    Peace Tags can be obtained through the store or spinner and can be activated with a doorknob from JD’s Party Store under Solo Bonuses.


    Current PTs Available:
    4 Hours of Peace (Note: This is the only PT that can be purchased and is 49EC from JD's Party Store)
    8 Hours of Peace
    1 Day of Peace
    3 Days of Peace

    Strength Builds
    Strength builds are the most common type of build found in the game and consist of significantly higher stats on the strength side. These builds make the most money per hit, lose less energy per action, and are able to pin as they plunder.

    However, strength builds can be easily targeted and pinned by smaller intel builds. Additionally, since they are a part of the majority build in-game, it may be more difficult to successfully land on other players if your misc or tutor bonus is lower.

    Strength builds look like the example below!

    Intelligence Builds
    Intelligence builds consist of significantly higher stats on the intelligence side. This type of build takes the longest to pin, can pin a target easiest (through pranking), and can land pranks on higher stat strength builds. They also may have the ability to be effective in pesting since they can potentially land a prank while pinned.

    However, since they are able to tank more hits before being pinned, this does give their farmer more chances to take money from them and therefore makes it harder for intel builds to keep tutors in a SFW. Dances consume more energy than fights but make more money for the attacker.

    Intel builds look like the example below!

    Even Build
    Even builds have exactly the same stats for both strength and intelligence. These builds typically are more difficult to pin than a strength build, but not as hard as an intel build. Their equally balanced stats make it difficult for lower-stat players to successfully land an attack and they can usually hit players much larger than them.

    However, even builds suffer from all of the cons of both strength and intel builds (see above).

    Even builds look like the example below!

    Alts: Alternate accounts.
    CF: Ceasefire. This is usually the way to end a SFW and can also be referred to as CF Terms. This may include but is not limited to non-EC value items, apologies, Bentos, or other benefits for the recipient (Note: Any item worth EC value is not allowed to be requested for as a CF).
    CS/KCS/MCS: combined stats/thousand combined stats,/million combined stats-- this is your strength and intelligence stats added together.
    Block: Blocking someone will prevent them from contacting you in all forms. This includes walls, gifts, and PMs.
    DTS: Defender too strong. This means you are too weak to attack this opponent.
    DTW: Defender too weak. This means you are too strong to attack this opponent or they are pinned.
    Dev/Developer: Developers run the game, and show up as red in pub/campus/discord/forums.
    Farmer: A player who farms others.
    Farming: Repeated attacks over a decent period of time.
    Farmly: A club/family/group of players who farm together typically associated by matching tags in their names.
    Hit: All forms of PVP attacks.
    Mod/Moderator: Moderators are volunteers who enforce the rules made by the developers. They show up as green in pub/campus/discord/forums.
    NF: Newsfeed. This is in the upper right-hand corner of the main screen.
    NP: Not pinned.
    Pesting: Attacking players from pin.
    Permafarm: A permanent farm.
    Pin: To attack someone until they are DTW. wh
    Plunder: The cash you earn from an attack.
    Pots: Short for potions. These items help a player succeed on an action or can be used passively to defend against attacks.
    QL: Quick Link. This is an easy way to get to a specific player’s profile.
    RS: Relationship.
    SFW/Strip Farm War: When 2 or more players have a disagreement and strip and farm with the intent of making their opponent lose cash or items through CF.
    SP/Self Pin: Intentionally making yourself DTW.
    Strip/Stripping: Hiring tutors.
    Strip Farm: To strip and then farm someone to ensure maximum loss of cash.
    Tuts: Tutors

    Other Helpful Threads

    How to Avoid Scammers
    What's allowed in a CF?
    How to Deal with Farming
    Silences, Bans & Related Issues
    Guide to Wars
    Helpful Links
    #1 Day, Feb 2, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2024
  2. time to be a pvp pro
    Tyvm for another very helpful guide 💛
  3. Another beautiful thread from my wonderful, smart frend 🥰 Great job!

    Me omw to pvp
  4. I can finally lose properly 🌚 Thank you for this guide
    nixi3 and MommaToldMe2PlayNice like this.
  5. Great guide ❤️
  6. Thank you Katie/Lyss, we loff 🥳
  7. I keep getting hit for just hiring tutors of the list. I try activating a peace tag but it keeps saying I have an active peace prevention…. What is that?
    ExFrqueShow likes this.
  8. I just read in another thread that it means you can't activate a peace tag for 15 minutes after you just attacked another player. Once the 15mins is done, you can activate the peace tag.
    Elavina2 likes this.
  9. Correct, this is stated in the guide as well under Buffs, Bonuses and Items.
    Muschi likes this.
  10. fantastic read. tysm
  11. It means you have hit someone else. You have to wait a little while after hitting someone before activating.
    Muschi and Day like this.
  12. App is weri in the best [​IMG]