[Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN v2

Discussion in 'Guides' started by RudeRENAMED, Oct 8, 2015.

  1. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    Sorry for the very uncreative Bb coding?
    x_Ashley_x likes this.
  2. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

  3. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    Sticky ??
  4. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    ^Lazy Barcode
  5. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

  6. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    Nice thread?
  7. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    Came out very decent.
    Nice work Rude.
    STICKY for sure :)
  8. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    Wow, this was good. Put my name on it too :lol:

  9. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    thankyou both so much for your help. You both taught me heaps
  10. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    Thanks rude that's very helpful
    alani_ likes this.
  11. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    Best one 
  12. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    Good job for making this ?
  13. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    Nice guide 
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  14. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    This guide is very helpful. Good job rude.
  15. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    I say sticky on this one  great job rude
  16. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    It doesn't need a colourful coding.It has all the necessary info. A very informative guide actually. Definitely deserves a sticky. Well done! 
  17. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    Thanks for the guide Rude answered many questions I wasn't sure on
  18. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    I love my Intel build but I'm in a sfw and it sucks so much thinking I may need to switch?
  19. Re: [Guide] Builds:STR vs INTEL vs EVEN

    Awesome thread very helpful carry on with the good threads rude ??