Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Thank you for this!!!
    Are bentos if accepted considered 'drops' too or do these clubs expect additional drop for dog/cat/kini
  2. if you're joining with bentos only, then no there is no need to drop. theyre not drops but still payment for parties
    Muschi and Julcyfruit like this.
  3. Hi all! Might be a dumb question, but is there a way to set avi preference for events? I have gotten stuck with male avis a few times after getting only one of the level 2 avatar boxes from an event. It gets annoying because I won’t really use them and I was looking forward to some of the female designs. I thought I would ask because it happened again for this hunt and I know I won’t collect enough parrot chats with CO today.
  4. Sadly nope. It's random what you get from a box. As your stats increase and if you stay very active it'll be easier to get both of the first tier avis. But yeah there's no way to pick which one you want
    Muschi likes this.
  5. Done!
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  6. I'm not sure what you mean by this? What items?
    Figgles and Muschi like this.
  7. If you’re talking about the hunt boxes, you can still open them with pim-keys and you can still open furniture boxes with the furniture keys.

    I’m not sure what you’re referring to exactly
  8. Ah sorry I worded this wrong. I guess it’s just hard for me to put into words. I know there’s a max on drops but how do I get more per hit than I’m currently acquiring? Assume I do not max out my party hits. To increase the drops I’m getting as is- do I want more strength or intelligence dormmates? Or does it not matter? I know Avi, misc stat items and RS all go into this but I’m about to upgrade my dormmates so that’s why I’m asking. I guess it boils down to does cash = (strength or int) and does drops = (strength or int) in parties
  9. Do you know how much the gap is between the hunt drop and the max you can earn per party ? (POTD for example) do you earn like 105 with completely emptying your energy or you do 4 hits per party ? And so the gap would be like 21 for the main items (cakes for this hunt for example)
    And do you take into account the difficulty of the party to see that gap ?
  10. Why are the pep chibis/bentos not considered as such? They are not more common than others. Yes they are ugly as hell but is that really the reason?
  11. how many club invites can stay in the notifications?
  12. Why are there so many not opened avatar boxes and light boxes sitting in ppls inventory. It's not like you could sell them. There is no benefit from not opening. Or am i missing something?
  13. Can ec no longer drop from jobs? I know it is rare but i got not even 1 since i am back.
    Or am i just unlucky?
  14. Yes.
  15. No longer dropping for sure since January 7.2022
  16. People forget them or used the lite boxes for collecthatlon or hold on them to use them for the next story pass
    As it sometimes require for the story pass to complete 4 or 8 collectathon tiers to progress
    Avatar boxes some don’t open it because it doesn’t add to the endless list of avatars already own so less scrolling when you try to find an avatar (I am aware there a search bar in the inventory that could let you find the avatars in your items). So by not opening those that the players knows they will never use at the moment. That is a trick
    That remains my opinion or my perception to your question
  17. Thanks for the answer. That's with ava makes sense. If you play long enough you might have a lot of avas.

    But what is a collectathon and a story pass?

  18. Wow... That's awful. It was never much you could get this way but for f2p players it was an option to get some.
    I know there are those tapjoy offers now but i really don't want to play days of games i really hate, to just get some ec. :/
  19. I really need some members in my club. Wall me or any admins to join. B2b ec parties 🎊. I wanna know why everyone posting about invites because there’s never any invites in last year’s March. It’s my month
  20. This is an example taken from this link Story Pass
    This is an example so an exclusive quest/ mission / stories (whatever synonym you used) available for a limited time.

    The XC (extracurricular activity) Collectathon Fest


    [​IMG]you must collect story main items. You can do it by completing the POTD/ PPOTD/ Dog Star/ Cat Café/ Pizza Art or invites like the one available for a limited time or also by opening boxes like Hunt lites boxes / Hunt timer boxes or the reg boxes that cost a pimd key to open (pimd key can be purchased at the cost of 10 ec (extra credit ~ the little orange diamonds).

    I hope this clarify a bit. If not, let me know 😅 so I can work on my explanation for the next time
    Campus, Leigh and Muschi like this.