Hello and good riddance. PIMD changes and the old PIMD dictionaries needed updating so hereâs the updated version from me and @Day. Iâd also like to give special thanks to @Muschi, @Mythorius, and @Dark_Lord_Cthulhu for their insights as well as numerous other people who took the time to check the thread and provide feedback. â€ïž 2024 edit: ty @GoddessHailey and @MayaTheHopeful for new terms and some feedback. Starting out, weâll just have the Zero-to-Z list, and at the end there will be abbreviations for parties, as well as some big SFW club tags and nicknames from the past that you might come across occasionally. Key: Club-related - Trade-related - PVP-related _____________________________ Other Spoiler đ± Bento. Spinner sets made of Tempura, Launch, and Pep PIMDinis, often used as a form of in-game currency. 1-hit A party where everyone can only hit once. 499 A furniture item in front of the bookshelf which costs 499ecs to buy from the furniture store. 4OJ 4th of July - There is normally a promo with 2.5x payout from parties in the 4th of July. This term is used to refer to the yearly promotional event. 999 A furniture item between the desk and plant which costs 999ecs to buy from the furniture store. %cs Percentage combined stats. Example: your pet has 40% strength and 40% intelligence. Its %cs is 80% (40%+40% ). : and / ":" is the symbol for ratio. It refers to how many of one thing is equal to a number of other things. "/" is essentially the same thing. _____________________________ aaAaa Spoiler Active (also see semi-active, and inactive) A person who is currently playing the game most days of the week. Active Topics(Old) The part of forums that were last commented on. (Now Recent Posts) Admin(Old) Refers to people in clubs, other than the president, who hold power. Since the updating of club roles, this is sometimes used to describe Executives and Vice Presidents of clubs. Ally Clubs that have a friendship or agreement with other clubs. Alt Alternative account. People can have a main account and other accounts on different devices, which are called âaltsâ. Asian Server (see also US server) Campus and Pub are split into two servers. You will only be able to view and post in your designated server. Theyâre meant to be split based on language, with English-dominant countries occupying the âUS serverâ and non-English-dominant countries being in the âAsian serverâ. Placement is not necessarily dependent on where you live in the world, and all players will be in one or the other. These are also called Eastern and Western Servers. ATA A Thinking Ape. A great ape which has designed, developed, and run PIMD for over 9 years. Avi Avatar. The character you use on your profile. These provide extra power in battles. _____________________________ bbBbb Spoiler B Billions of PIMD bucks (also see k, m, T, and Q). If you are a poopy bum, it means bentos (see đ± and bento). B2B Back to Back. Commonly used to describe a clubâs routines. Back-to-back parties or cat cafĂ©. Ban When players are no longer to access their account due to violating the terms of service. Bank A way to store your money. However it will cost you 20% of what you want to bank. This is a last resort for saving your money. Battle To fight another player. BB Buddy Box (also items that comes from the Buddy Box, Bestie Box, or BFF Box are referred to as BB items). BBB Buddy Box Bomb. An event in which everyone in a club buys BFF boxes for each other. BC Build Complete (referring to dorm). Filled all of the dorm rooms with a particular level of dorm mates. BCR Best club rank. The top rank achieved by the club in the club leaderboard. Spoiler Bcs Billion combined stats. Strength + Intelligence, divided by 1,000,000,000. Bento An item created by collecting a certain amount/type of chibi, which drop from the spinner. Commonly used to trade. BF 1- Bouncer Force. A club role that has power over who can come, and stay in the club. 2- Black Friday. A promotional event on PIMD where everything is cheaper and you make 5x the cash off Premium parties. BL Battle List. You find this by clicking the 'people' button and there you can hit other users around the same statistics. BM Black Market. Underground markets on PIMD where people trade prohibited goods such as accounts, personal information, or real money. Boxes Items that are part of a hunt. These often include story rewards, furniture, avatars, drops, shards, etc. They often drop from parties, the spinner, they can be earned by completing tasks. Break/BRK When no scheduled activities are occurring. The main 2 variants are. Hunt breaks - the time between hunts Session breaks - the time between premium party sessions. Bu Back-up. Recruited club members. Refers to backup drops for EC clubs, where you can drop at :55 or :57 depending on club rules. Bump 1- Hire a tutor once to increase its hire value 2- (means the same as volley) To hire a tutor until itâs at a certain value. e.g. can you help me bump charlie 5 times? 3- To comment on a thread in forums, âbumpingâ it to the top of recent posts to increase its visibility. BYO Bring Your Own, can be mixed or single drop "free" flashes, and tend to be pop-up style with droppers lining up on the presidentâs wall. There are a few different types: 1. BYOC - Bring Your Own Cat 2. BYOD - Bring Your Own Dog 3. BYOK - Bring Your Own Kini 4. BYOI - Bring Your Own Invite __________________________ ccCcc Spoiler CA Club announcement or campus announcement (less likely). These are side-scrolling text boxes at the top of chat which contain important information. Campus/campus chat The chat on the far left. This is a good place to post ads as everyone in your server can see these messages. Cap Refers to the maximum amount of miscellaneous bonus that can be included in battle calculations. The formula for figuring this out is as follows: Max misc = 2x Dormmate stats + 4x Tutor stats + 4x RS bonus Cat Short for hypnocat. An item required to start the cat cafe premium party, and which costs 69 extra credits. CC This has many meanings: club chat, campus chat (due to it also meaning club chat, saying wc 'world chat' instead of campus chat can help clear confusion), cat cafe, counter culture, cabana cool. CCBC Cat Cafe Build Complete. Someone who became LCBC almost exclusively by using cat cafes. Surprisingly, this used to be an insult because enough LCBC players got there without using cat cafes. However, currently, there are no LCBCâs who didnât achieve it without cat cafes. And achieving this would probably take over 10 years of daily dedication. So this is now just a reminder of how greedy the gameâs developers have become, and how they often release a plethora of (once considered central to the game) content exclusively for paying players. This is included in the list to show how broken, and money-hungry this gameâs developers have been, and how skill and grit can no longer be associated with high stats, only wealth. CF Cease Fire. An agreed-upon set of conditions for someone to stop hitting another player. Chaos Jet A party, started with a party Jet. Chibi (Informal) A cute spinner item that can combine to make a bento, a high value item commonly used for trading. (Formally, PIMDini) Clubs Communities where you can plan and do shenanigans. There are a few different types: Rp Clubs - Clubs where people rp and donât party. RPOTD clubs - Clubs they do potd and RP. B2B POTD Clubs - Clubs where people constantly party and try to complete hunts. SFW Clubs - Clubs involved in large-scale wars with other clubs and players. CC Clubs - Clubs that do premium parties continuously, often with an entry-fee. These are run like businesses. Flash Clubs/Seasonal Clubs. - These are clubs that regularly host and organize flash cat cafe sessions. These often have some downtime between high traffic times. Solo clubs - personal clubs used for solo'ing parties in promos. Emo Clubs - People sometimes go to these places to seek attention. Crazy person clubs - Weird clubs with only a single member and their alts. They draw scribbles and write strange poetry on their wall before going inactive. Bot clubs. Clubs full of automated accounts. Key features include CA, club titles, club wall, the potential to do parties, the potential to do club wars, and the potential for cult-like communities to emerge. Club farm A farm for your club. Usually listed in the club announcement. These are a priority and should be hit constantly or between parties (depending on club policy). c/o Change over. The time of day when the party of the day changes and events start or end. This is around 3pm EST. Coh Cash on hand. The amount of pimd bucks you have to spend at the current moment. E.g. What's your coh? Cow Someone who is easy to hit. If they are offline, if they are weaker than you, if they have low bonus stats, or if they just don't know what they are doing. Easy to milk. CP Care Package. Activated by purchasing a care package notice from the store, this item will provide a player with double plunder from parties for 2 hours, and will make their name golden. Crate (PIMD crate/Dev crate) This is a purple showcase item awarded to players by the developers which can be opened to get a random rare developer item (items designed by and for each dev), or doctorâs note. (Mod crate) This is a green showcase item awarded by PIMD moderators to players. They can be opened, deleting the crate, but giving you a random mod item (items designed by and for each mod), or a doctorâs note. Crew/Crew members The characters you can put in your dorms to make you stronger and smarter. cs Combined stats. The combined value of intelligence and strength bonuses. CW Club Wall ___________________________________ ddDdd Spoiler D/Dance Off A type of attack using intelligence. It makes the winner a lot of money, but doesnât hurt the loser much. Def (old) Defense. Devs Developers People who work on releasing new content and maintaining Party in my Dorm. They sometimes have player accounts which you will recognize by their red names or [ATA] Tags (which you will be silenced and name changed for using). DN Doctors Note. Used for instant regeneration of energy. Drop 1- (a tutor) To drop a tutor means you basically fire them. You only get a partial refund of the money you spent on them back, and you lose the stat bonus from them. 2- (a cat or premium item) Done by selecting the âuseâ party action on a premium party and selecting the corresponding item. Using the right item will complete the first bar of the party and allow people to hit the previously locked bars. 3- (the soap) Donât drop the soap. This should be a new kind of party. Drop(s) Drops refer to special items you earn after completing a party. These could be progress tokens for a story, rare items, trophies, etc. DTS Defender Too Strong. This notice is given when a user has much higher stats than you, therefore you can't hit them. DTW Defender Too Weak. This notice is given when a user you are hitting is either too small for you to hit, or their energy level is too low and youâre prevented from hitting them. Dono These are extra or free drops that are not a part of an EC club session or flash package that participants pay for. DVP Drop Volley Profit (or dv for short). A method for trading PIMD bucks. One person gives the DVP by telling the recipient what tutors to volley. They then volley multiple tutors, multiple times and the recipient gets rich. The DVP giver keeps the tutors at the end. ___________________________________ eeEee Spoiler E/Entry The cost to be entered in a raffle. Ec/ecs- Extra Credits The premium currency of pimd. Look here for more information. ED Eavesdrop. A combat action that allows you to see information about your opponent. Expelled This is the worst kind of ban. An expulsion means you will probably never see your account again except with some serious reasoning with the developers. ___________________________________ ffFff Spoiler F/Fight Fight. e.g. âHit them on Fâ, âF themâ. The outcome of a fight is based on the difference in strength stats between the people in battle. Fairy A fairy is a player who doesn't know about PvP and doesn't engage in it. also: Party Fairy. Farming A user targeting another user by hitting them many times. How many hits define farming vary from user to user. FCoC Forum code of conduct. The code of conduct for the game's forums. Accessible here Flash Generally done with cat cafĂ© parties, flash is when a club will complete parties as quickly as possible using doctor notes and party vehicles to earn as many drops and as much plunder as fast as possible. Flosses Fight losses. Visible on someoneâs profile. FV/Force Volley When someone tries to convince you not to hire a tutor but theyâre super underpriced and you canât be bothered to wait for them to hire back because theyâre doing it infrequently to stall progress so you ask someone to help you volley that tutor to their appropriate price. Forums A place where the community can talk together and create threads on a selection of topics. The home of guides, history, suggestions, and debate. Furni Furniture. Placed in your dorm to show off your interior decorating skills and taste. Press this link to a guide with more information. FF Forfeit. To end a party before itâs due to complete, failing it, and allowing the club to start a new party sooner. ___________________________________ ggGgg Spoiler GC Group Chat. A feature on PIMD using private messages where you can invite people to participate in a chatroom with multiple people in it. GP Gold Pass. An item that can be purchased by a club to allow a player to leave and return as they please without invites. ___________________________________ hhHhh Spoiler HD Heartdrive (One of the first two 5mcs items: the twin of the Bacon Towel). Hire To bid and own someone as a tutor. You can always be outbid which is why there isnât a âbuyâ option. Hit To perform an action on jobs, parties, or other players. HM How much? - to ask someone for a price on an item, you ask them hm? HS/HS Honour Student. People with sky blue names: Honour student is a title awarded to some players who the developers feel have had a great, original positive influence on PIMD. Often bringing something new to the game, having a positive character, and being worthy of recognition. Hunt A special event where players collect items to receive prizes, such as unique avatars and furniture. ___________________________________ iiIii Spoiler ID or IGN In-game-name. Your identity as a player. IHF In-house farming. When players within a club hit each other. IHS In house seller. Refers to a cat cafĂ© club that has a player that will drop a cat for a price, generally for stat items. Inactive Someone who's not on at the time or doesn't play anymore. Clubs can also be inactive. Inactive Farm Someone who no longer plays who you can farm. inc Incoming (hits). Refers to hits received. âIncâ is used to distinguish between the hits you deal to others and the hits you receive in wars. E.g. 1/5p inc. Invite 1- Using the invite feature to invite someone to a club. This circumvents the need for them to be accepted at the door. Some clubs are invite-only meaning that people canât apply and can only be invited by high-ranking members of the club. 2- (Colloquial) Used to describe the items needed to be used in order to activate special, hunt-specific premium parties. Invite parties Used to describe hunt-specific premium parties that are released sometimes. Named after the premium item required to start the first of these parties. ISO In search of. Used to indicate that youâre looking for something. E.g. ISO cheap main story rewards. ___________________________________ jjJjj Spoiler Jet/Jart Party Jet. Used in flashes to instantly begin a party, and increase its drops. Please jart for us! ___________________________________ K Spoiler K Thousand. KCS Thousand stats combined. Can be calculated by adding your strength and intelligence statistics (see your profile) and dividing by a thousand. Kini Short for Pizza Bikini, an item required to start the Pizza Pop Art premium party. Costs 39 extra credits to buy. ___________________________________ llLll Spoiler LB Leaderboard. Often refers to the Hunt Leaderboard, Overall Leaderboard, or Extracurricular Leaderboard (see XC). LBGC Last Bar Group Chat. A group chat for mercenaries who are looking to join clubs on the last bar of their parties. LBH Last Bar Hitters. Commonly used term to advertise for help with the last bar of a party. LCBC Level Complete Build Complete. For those who have filled all their dorms with the best possible crew. LF Looking For Lock Forum threads can be âlockedâ by mods to prevent people from responding to them forever. Threads may be locked if their content is deemed unsavoury. âINB4Lâ or any other variation of âin before lockâ may be posted when it is clear that the thread is destined for locking and you want to show off your skills. Love tap When friends hit each other to test their mettle. Lowball A low offer for an item. Lurking Being in a chat or forum but not talking (See Forums, AC, CC, and WC). Lvl Level. Can refer to dorm mates/your crew, or furniture. ___________________________________ mmMmm Spoiler M Million. Main Main Account. As in the account a player uses the most, as opposed to other accounts they may own. Mats Materials. Used to upgrade furniture or pets. Max Verb 1. To send someone gifts until they can't have any more. Also Max:Max. When you gift each other the maximum anount of a gift. Verb 2. To collect specific items with maximum amounts. Max plunder To invest enough money in tutors such that your plunder can't increase any further. MB Miscellaneous Bonus - Usually refers to the total miscellaneous bonus on someoneâs account. E.g. âThey have 1bcs MB.â MCS Million stats combined. Calculated by adding strength + intelligence and then dividing by a million. Merc Mercenaries. Players brought in from outside a club to help with a party or a war. Players who arenât permanent club members. Milking Hitting a player, party, or job only a few times each 5 minutes. People would do this in order to keep their energy high which helps achieve 3 things. 1- You make more money from hits when your energy is high (from fights and dances) 2- You have better chances of not failing hits when your energy is high. 3- You are harder to hit when your energy is high. So if people are trying to hit you, milking is a defensive strategy. Misc short for miscellaneous. Normally used to either refer to 1. someone's miscellaneous bonus, 2. things that provide a miscellaneous bonus, or 3. sometimes used in place of the more precise term: showcase items. Mods/Moderators Hulk Smash that HULK SMASH! our community clean and safe by HULK SMASH!!!! and reinforcing the SMASSHHHHHH!!!!!!. (They enforce the rules) (Mods are also called RAâs. See RA) MP Mercenary pass. Perms and admins can ask seniors in their clubs for a merc/enary pass to leave the club and return with their status in club retained. ___________________________________ nnNnn Spoiler Naked When a mummy and a daddy love eachother very much they have no tutors. e.g. Theyâre naked. Hit them! NC Name change. To change your in-game name. Necrobump To bump an old thread that is considered, done, irrelevant, and âdeadâ. NF Notifications. E.g. âGet in my nf'sâ would be an invitation for someone to start hitting you. âMy nfs are dryâ is a common complaint from people who are feeling neglected or uncared for. NFS Not for sale. My top-10 items are NFS. Noob Informal name for a new player or someone who doesn't appear to know basic things about PIMD.. Noted/Note up Indicates that someone has used a Doctorâs Note to refill their energy. NP Not Pinned. ___________________________________ ooOoo Spoiler OD Outside Drop/Outside dropper. Someone who comes to a club to drop premium party items on a party for you. OH Outside Hits (hits from players uninvolved in a system war) Outside hits are sometimes prevented in the case of developer-sanctioned system wars. OP 1 - Original Poster (usually used in forums). The author of a forum topic. or 2 - Over Priced (referring to hire value or item prices). E.g. âFurniture is overpriced.â Open Farm Someone who invites anyone to hit them, or a call for anyone to hit someone scummy. To declare someone an open farm is like declaring them an Outlaw in the Wild West! Open 1- You are able to hit them. E.g. âIâm open! Come and hit me!â 2- âOpen- ppa/cc/invite partyâ Calling a premium party open is a way to invite people to help. Usually these parties are only for pre-existing members of clubs but mercenaries can have little a salami sometimes as a snack. ___________________________________ ppPpp Spoiler p/prank Pranks are intelligence-based battles that sap a lot of energy from the victim. P2W âpay-to-winâ Referring to a feature of a game which allows players the potential to âwinâ just by spending money. Examples: âHypnocats are p2w!â, âPeace passes are the most p2w crap ever!â P2P âpay-to-playâ refers to players who utilizes p2w options and essentially play the game with their wallets. Party fairy A player who only parties and doesn't engage in PvP content. PC Price Check Perm A permanent member of a club who doesnât leave often and is loyal to their club. Permafarm/Perm farm Permanent farm - Someone who you farm without ceasefire conditions. Pest When intel built accounts use pranks to weaken and debuff opponents. This is often done at the start of an assault. PIMD Party in my dorm. The name of this game. Pin To battle somebody until they are too weak to attack. (See DTW). PJ Party Jockey - a club role where you can start and forfeit parties. Plunder The cash you earn from an action on battles or parties (Plunder Isnât usually used to describe what you get from jobs because that is a fixed amount and doesnât depend on max plunder and your build like party and battle plunder do). pm Private Message. You have to be friends with someone to send private messages to them. PMO Private Message offers. For when you are wanting to trade/sell. POTD Party of the day. The non-premium party which rewards hunt drops for that day. (see also ppotd) Pots Battle items from the Marketplace that increase your odds of winning in battles. Some examples include the Cherry Bomb, Bag of Chips, Jock Strap, Booby Trap, Paintball gun, and Fake Love letter. PP Prank Pin. To hit someone with pranks until their energy has all been drained and they become feeble due to fatigue. Prank Primer. A type of party. PPA Pizza Pop Art. A party started by using a pizza bikini. PPOTD Pro Party of the day. The non-premium pro party which rewards hunt drops for that day. Pup/Pupil The person who has hired you. PvP Player vs. Player (Hitting other people). Pwar Plunder war. A friendly club war in which one clubâs members all spend their money so they donât lose it when hit, and the other side hit them continuously to make money themselves. Because you make more money by hitting players than you do by hitting parties, this was a popular money-making method before premium parties(cat cafe and pizza pop art) were released. ___________________________________ qqQqq Spoiler Q Quadrillion. 1000 trillion/ 1000T. She has 1Q! QL quick link. A link you can press that directs you to a player's profile. ___________________________________ rrRrr Spoiler RA/ResidentAdvisor Players chosen by the gameâs developers to enforce the Terms of Use. They have the power to RAAAAA people from posting in public channels, to edit and delete posts, and lock threads in forums, and to submit reports to the developers that can result in evictions of accounts off of campus. (Also called Mods/Moderators. See Mod) Recent Posts In forums, this is a section that shows what threads have been commented on most recently. Theyâll be the most current, and often the most interesting threads. Recycle - cheap and unwanted furniture used as fodder for upgrading other furniture. May refer to a standard - minimum price for furniture. Regen Regenerating. Refers to someone gaining energy to be full again. You regen every 5 minutes. Reseller A trader who buys items to later sell - used pejoratively. Roster The members in both friendly and enemy clans that are active in war. Or listed participants in any club event such as a Buddy Box Bomb or Flash session. RP Role Play. Types: Cactus, fruit salad, cooking mama, Dungeons and Dragons. For more information, go to this guide. RPBC Someone who gained LCBC exclusively by RPâing, or with the support of a partner or sugar parental figure or guardian. This, like CCBCâs, hasn't existed for years. RS Relationship. The person you are "dating"/sharing statistics with. RSB Relationship bonus (the bonus stats received from an rs) RWT Real-world trading. Selling or buying in-game items for money or physical assets. ___________________________________ ssSss Spoiler SD Self Drop. Means you have the premium items for a party already on your account, and you use them yourself on a party. SF Strip Farm. Where someone strips a player of their tutors and farms them in order to make them lose all their money. SFW Strip Farm War. When two or more groups of people (or clubs) are strip-farming each other. Silence A Mod and the Dev's ability that stops players from being able to post in public channels. This includes sending gifts, walls, smashÂĄ, updating status, and using campus or pub chats. SP 1. Self-Pin. To waste all of your energy in order to avoid being hit. 2. Story pass Starred The starred section in your showcase. You can choose what items you want to star by pressing and holding on that item or opening its item description and pressing on the star. Stats The intelligence and strength bonuses related to something. Types: 1- Base stats: The stats shown on your profile. These are based on your crew. 2- Tutor stats: You gain 1/50th of the stats of your tutors. 3- Miscellaneous stats: You gain 1/50th of the stats of the items you own. 4- Percentage stats: Avatars, pets, some items, and high-level furniture can give you percentage-based stat bonuses. Story A specific part of a hunt tied to a kind of drop. The main story drops are earned from parties and hunt boxes. Side story drops can only be earned from parties, or (in some cases) from pvp actions. Story Rewards Items earned by completing stories. Main story rewards are from the main story. Side story rewards come from the various side stories. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Strip NOT that kind of strip. It means to hire someoneâs tutors. ___________________________________ ttTtt Spoiler T Trillions (of pimd bucks). 1,000,000,000,000. 12 zeroes. T1 Tier 1 Crew members that cost 1000 pimd bucks - These are Party Guy, Cheerleader, Rastafarian, Sorority girl, Goth Girl, Intellectual Hero. T4 Crew members that cost 600 million pimd bucks. T7 Crew members that cost 80 billion pimd bucks. T10 / T100 / T250 / T500 / T1000 / T1500 Top-10, top-100, etc. Don't make me do this. Tag Club Tag, this is a word or some letters that permanent members of specific clubs have added to their username to show their membership in and support for the club. TB Bovine Tuberculosis. ow. Tutor Bonus. The amount of stat bonus that comes from the tutors you hire. TC Tutor Chat. A chat where you can talk to your pupil and your tutors. Similar and to the right of club chat. Thread Forum post, topic, etc. Refers to an original post created by someone that others can comment on/post under. We have lots of names for this because of other forums online who call them different things. Tier The different sets of crew members (T1, T2, T3, T4, etc., T11). Can also refer to tiers of achievement in stories and extracurriculars. ToS The Terms of Service. These are the terms that you agree to upon downloading the game. The rules. ToU Terms of use,The Terms you agree to by owning this app. The rules. TS Tutor Strip. When one player hires another playerâs tutors. TT (old) Trusted Trader. A post that people sometimes post on peoplesâ walls to indicate that they can be trusted in trade. This was important before the trade system when you had to negotiate what the trade would include, and then send the items as gifts and then hope that theyâd keep their word and gift you back. Tuts Tutors. The users you hire in order to increase both the money you make from parties and combat with other players, as well as your stats. TY Thank you. On PIMD, people like to be specific, and add on to this exactly what they are thankful for. But for some reason they donât say WHO theyâre thankful for. 1- TYFA/ âThank you for ampâ, for when someone uses an amp on a party to increase plunder. 2- TYFA/ âThank you for acceptingâ, said when youâve been accepted into a club. 3- TYFB/ âThank you for boxâ , for buddy boxes which are sent to all members of your club. 4- TYFC/ âThank you for catâ, commonly said after a hypnocat is dropped for a cat cafe party. 5- TYFC/ âThank you for comingâ, when someone comes to your club. 6- TYFD/ âThank you for dropâ, can replace tyfc, tyfk, and tyfi 7- TYFI/ âThank you for inviteâ, either for being invited to a club, or an invite being dropped. 8- TYFJ/ âThank you for jamâ, when someone has used a slow jam to help save a party. 9- TYFJ/ âThank you for joiningâ, when someone joins your club or accepts your invite. 10- TYFK/ âThank you for kiniâ, said after a player drops a pizza bikini for a pizza pop art party. 11- TYFR/ âThank you for roleplayâ, said after senpai RPâs with you. 12- TYFV/ âThank you for vehicleâ, if someone uses a vehicle to speed up the commencement of the next party, say ty. Itâs really cool to see what they are thankful for. But sometimes I want to know WHO theyâre thankful for. If you ever see anyone saying âTY Cheemsâ, or âTY Jimmyâ, please say Youâre Welcome (or YW for short), because it means theyâre paying attention to WHO IS BEING A GENEROUS MENSCH rather than WHAT THEYâRE GETTING! đ TZ Time zone. ___________________________________ uuUuu Spoiler UG Upgrade. When a player increases their base stats by adding another dorm mate to their crew or levelling up their dorm mates. UL Unload. When a player hits a party, job, or another player until they have no energy. UP Under Priced. Refers to your hire value being lower than usual for your statistics. (Referring to items of tutors) US server (see also Asian server) Campus and Pub are split into two servers. You will only be able to view and post in your designated server. Theyâre meant to be split based on language, with English-dominant countries occupying the âUS serverâ and non-English-dominant countries being in the âAsian serverâ. Placement is not necessarily dependent on where you live in the world, and all players will be in one or the other. These are also called Eastern and Western Servers. ___________________________________ vvVvv Spoiler Volley Hiring 1 person back and forth. Often to increase their hire value or gain money (See Hire). VIP Very important people. 1- These are the leaderboards and show you the top 50 players due to tutors, hire price, fights and overall as well as the top 50 clubs due to strongest, wars won and cash won. 2- This can also be used to refer to the VIP lounge, a subscription-based feature accessed in the store of PIMD. Some of the benefits of this include extra plunder from parties, champagne boxes, and extra spin tokens. VIP items VIP items are items that drop from champagne boxes which can be earnt by entering the VIP lounge. VIP items combine with themselves to create avatars. VP Vice President. The second-most powerful role in clubs. ___________________________________ wwWww Spoiler WA World Announcement. The header on the top of the screen of world chat where players can make public announcements for 26 speakers. Wall A personal dashboard that you and others can post on and anyone can see. You can delete posts on your own wall, but not others. (Can also be used as a verb. To wall someone is to post on their wall). War A fight between two clubs lasting for various amounts of time. It can be friendly, or hostile. WC World Chat. Where players can use speakers in order to message the public. WM Wall me. WMID Wall me if Deal. If youâve set out the exchange rate and exactly what you want to trade in your banner and donât want people to negotiate with you. End your ad with WMID to make business quick and snappy. WMIS WMIS. WMIS is similar to ISO: it means âWall me if sellingâ. So itâs usually attached to something youâre looking to buy. WMO Wall me offers. For when you are wanting to trade/sell but donât know what your items are worth and want to hear what others are willing to pay for them. ___________________________________ xxXxx Spoiler XC Extracurricular: a variety of tasks that become available for a few hours, multiple times each day, on a rotation. Accessed from this icon on your homescreen; they each have their own rules and potential rewards. ___________________________________ yyYyy Spoiler Yeet Yay Everyone Eatin Teeth. Short for Party Yacht. Party Yachts are items that shorten the wait time before a party. ___________________________________ zzZzz --------- ___________________________________ Parties Spoiler FA101 = Fake Art 101 DIY = DIY Tattoo FA = Factory Art BAD = Back Alley Debut PPA = Pizza Poop Art PP = Prank Primer FF = Frisbee Follies ARLTB = All Roads Lead to Beer RKS = Restless Keg Syndrome IBB = ITâS BROSTEP, BRAH! CC = Counter Culture DD = Dumpster Dive NHB = No Hand Brakes BPS = Blue Plate Special FWP = First World Problems AD = Afternoon Delight CC = Cabana Cool JD = Just Dance Limo Lux = Limo Luxury Skyhigh = Skyhigh Party DS = Dog Star Manga = Draw Manga Jpop = Enjoi J-pop CP = Cosplay Please BIJ = Back in Japan CC = Cat Cafe ___________________________________ SFW club tags and Nicknames Spoiler Club tags are in brackets. Common shortenings of club names are underlined. (00_) = Stevenâs Harem, and Playmates (-_A_-) = Ascension BAD = Bad Attitude BC = Barcodes CnC = CnC GG = Gang Gang/ Cosa Nostra (_N_IDC) = I.D.C Immortal- = Immortals (KnK) = Kith n Kim Ky4f = Killing you for fun PE_ = Public Enemies PM = Playmates RN (Rico_) = Rico Nation (RS_) = Rising Stars (T3RROR) = Terror TGJ (Judge_) = The grand Jury UN = United Nations (V_ - _101) = Volley 101
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this, Kefo! I feel very special. Hilarious on the "Don't make me do this" on the T10/T100...and good call on expanding Max to mention limit of a showcase item in general. That being said, I regret not thinking of the following sooner; BYO = Bring Your Own, can be mixed or single drop "free" flashes, tend to be pop-up with droppers lining up on pres' wall, non-droppers sometimes may be allowed to party until club is full and non-droppers and/or non-hitters may be kicked for space Dono = extra/free drops not part of ec club session or flash package that participants pay for Limo (list in conjunction with yacht and jets) Session (list in conjunction to flash) Makes sense if you're simply done with the PIMD dictionary for now though. I can't believe you really put jart! Let's see if it catches onđ
True BYOC BYOD BYOK Etc also we could add for parties IBB (ITâS BROSTEP, BRAH!) BU = back up at :55 or :57 For drop in ec clubs
Jet/Jart Party Jet. Used in flashes to instantly begin a party, and increase its drops. Please jart for us! It's in there.