LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🎺 Black History Month 2024 🎺

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Jan 23, 2024.

  1. Yeah id say it is
    Muschi likes this.
  2. yeah and im voicing my opinion on your overreaction. Happy chinese new year.
    Ganache and Buwbuw like this.
  3. 20ec is fr $2.
    I don't really like the way the avis look nor the fact that is centered on music. I think it's kinda typecasting/stereotyping. '-'
    But honestly there are so many other better black avis out there.
    Meanwhile Asian ppl barely get any rep lol
    There's an entire server for them too, but hardly any representation
    This is the first time PIMD has celebrated Chinese New Year in years. And the fact that it's monthly avatars that cost up to $40?? Crazy. Collecting the entire furni set is upwards of $200+ 🤣🤣
    The fact that you have to drop a cat, 2 dogs, or 4 kinis to finish the storypass to get the VIP avatars is kinda annoying though.
    But 20ecs for the rewards they give you, before you have to drop, is a very very good value.
  4. 20ecs how do I get to participate when I don't have up to 10ecs. Not everyone can afford buying stuff with real cash 🙄..
    I was really looking forward to this black history month storypass, now I can't even do the quest cuz it's not even tradeable. Disappointed
    ArizonaIcedBri likes this.
  5. This is some BS. If 20ec is supposed to be affordable for a story pass then any ec party drop requirements for the story pass should be awarded earlier in the pass to complete this step. This will leave so many free to play players out 20ec and their story pass unfinished.
  6. Your opinion was not on my overreaction, I literally just commented. Also It's not an overreaction at all you just don't like it. And with that said... I said what I said.

    Happy Black History Month AND Happy Chinese New Year*
    Respect both.
    Woes, Xara, ArizonaIcedBri and 10 others like this.
  7. You actually have to spend more than 20ecs if you want to finish storypass. Incase anyone was planning on buying it and only had 20ecs just know you'll have to drop dog, cat or kinis. I believe cheapest would be 1 cat. So 20ecs + Cost of cat.
  8. I’m confused… why are yall bashing us for having black history month avis ? This has been happening every single year and it’s getting annoying! If you not bashing the avi you bashing the fact we have a month and that we celebrate it! We celebrate all cultures so it would be nice if you guys would just be respectful!!!!
  9. I wanna say ATA you guys are the biggest disappointment ever with how you guys fookin treat black history month likes it’s a fookin joke these Avis are an absolute disgrace no effort in them wats so ever look like you guys just threw anything in there without a care in the world yall really need to put more effort in blk Avis and including adding some other heritage like native nd Caribbean ppl like myself either put effort in yall black history month or don’t celebrate on here cus all you guys are doing is pissing people off
  10. 2019 - african prints/animals (+ music avi set)
    2021 - music
    2022 - african prints/animals
    2023 - best of both worlds: music AND african prints/animals
    2024 - music

    variety, where?
    MochaJedi, Woes, Japchae and 8 others like this.
  11. :oops:disappointed but not surprised
  12. W
    Why should it be free? When do ata give out “free” Ava’s? Apart from the free Ava’s you get when making an account?
  13. O
    oh shut up and delete the app….. snow fuking flake
  14. Ew, have some class.
    I don't understand why you're getting so angry at them for voicing their opinion, they're not even attacking you.

    Ata needs to hear their opinions in order to improve.
    This storypass was made to celebrate black history month, so all the African Americans playing this game have every right to feel how they feel with these avis.

    So if anyone needs to delete the app its you because clearly you're too immature.
    -Nita, Blvxk_Opal and Lumi like this.
  15. omg PLEASE! Mardi Gras is going on right now… it could’ve been a quick side story or something.
    ArizonaIcedBri, Lumi and Muschi like this.
  16. exactly this.
    RE_WHENCH likes this.
  17. it gives r@cist and immature. you delete the app! we can voice our opinions about a month that revolves around us and what WEVE built. cause if it wasn’t for us, then yk 😇
    Twltches, MochaJedi, Xara and 4 others like this.
  18. you know ATA is a Canadian company (Vancouver). I took a quick look at their team and its not just chinese people
  19. Love that your supporting BHM but it could of been a lot better than this for real
  20. I have to agree with a lot of people here, a lot of things could and should have been better for BHM. I hope that everyone involved in this game and played their part in the creativity (and lack there of) this month read all these comments and really take them to heart. Do better ATA. And even though there tends to be a lot of negative remarks, I still thank everyone who spoke their peace and made your voices heard. It opens a lot of people's eyes, hearts, and minds when you do. It makes some want to learn how to do better, how to be better, and that can be a chain reaction far greater than we know. Happy BHM everyone 💞 Much love, happiness, and hope ✌️