UPDATE Visit Lovely Single City Today! ☀️

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Jan 3, 2025.

  1. I know it's basically impossible to reach level 16, let alone higher levels before the end of crossover, but does anyone know how long it takes to reach level 16 without spending money? Or knows where I can find out? I'm on level 7 and I already don't know how to get enough resources without spending money 😕
    lustylegend, BEARCRUMBS, Yxe and 3 others like this.
  2. I’m lvl 10 and I’m poor. If you have tips for single city game, let me know 😭 Or is it impossible to reach level 20 without money? HELP PLS, TY. 🥸🦋
    Bella, Aphelios and Espacio like this.
  3. Asterism_Bunny likes this.
  4. You just need to keep levelling up your room to the next level. You don't get a story from Gigi. You will get the rewards in pimd during changeover
    Lumi and Rila like this.
  5. If you do all nighters and don't focus on Single City for a month without playing PIMD then maybe it's possible 🚶‍♂️
    Momoro likes this.
  7. Will I be able to receive the rewards after the event?
  8. I started the game yesterday, I didn’t have the opportunity to play the first crossover therefore I had to start from 0.

    The time frame is simply not attainable unless you spend money and lots at it. That’s something that I personally read in many occasions t from the Single City community themselves that have been playing the game for over 2 years and most of them aren’t even level 20 yet.

    I just really wonder why you guys do that to us? It’s really upsetting how you ALWAYS give us crazy time lines and expect us to follow through with it and spend money. That makes everything so NOT enjoyable. It’s frustrating! And it keeps happening over and over again. You need over 10 days to go from level 16 to level 17. How do you expect someone to make it to level 20 within 28 days? You knew it’s impossible.

    As my first time playing Single City I actually quite enjoyed the game and I wanted to stay after the crossover, but the way this crossover was designed definitely makes me wanna stay away from it. The goal is not to get more people to play it, but people that already support your other games to spend tons of money on it. So disrespectful.
  9. I’m on level 10 and I haven’t gotten anything? I linked my ATA account and waited until the next day it’s 12:20 central.
    Adaora-ble and Espacio like this.
  10. Changeover is in 45 minutes.
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  11. 35 minutes* Sorry.
  12. Haven't aged SC in over a year. . . Am at LR 23, so just waiting for all the rewards to be handed to me lol. I am curious what they'll do for the avis I alr have.
    Espacio, Tsunami and Aphelios like this.
  13. I’m at level 10 and haven’t received anything.
    I waited until the next day and it’s 12:40 cst…
  14. Changeover was 17 minutes ago. If you don't get the rewards in the next 3-5 hours, then I'd say you can start panicking.
    Espacio likes this.
  15. Heads up, they just plain don't give you any of the rewards for the ones you alr have
  16. That is nothing new. They did that with the second time-around KOH crossover. You already got the rewards. You can't get them again.
  17. Didn't get the shibaru pet style 🙃
    Bimb0 likes this.
  18. Once the promo ends rewards will stop being given out until a new promo is out for it if they do another one again
  19. I think this is adorable 😍
    Bimb0 likes this.
  20. Im actually enjoying this, not for the pursuit of rewards but the fact that it gave me something to do.

    It's also satisfying to see all the improvements and new updates on Single City, like an old friend :)
    Victoria likes this.