Pro/Party Stat Drop Database

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Spooky_Ari, Mar 3, 2025.

  1. [​IMG]
    Hi everyone! I haven’t seen a database for these yet so I thought I’d make one 🩷
    Please let me know if I’m missing any!

    I will try to update as much as I can.
    Tysm! 🩷
    #1 Spooky_Ari, Mar 3, 2025
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2025 at 7:37 AM
    MayaTheHopeful, iNoob, Kefo and 8 others like this.
  2. It’s a bit hard to see the images due to the size, I would recommend considering to post them separately or a bit larger.

    It’s also nice to have the stats of each if you can.

    You can also pull clean png images from the main threads rather than ssing the item, to save you time and you’ll get a consistent look too.

    Feel free to reach out if you need help updating.
    Wysavre and Spooky_Ari like this.
  3. Thank you! I’ll work on editing them and reach out 🩷
    Day likes this.
  4. Thank you for your hard work!
    Spooky_Ari likes this.
  5. Better pics are complete, easier to see and I’ve added the stats. Please hold while Day edits the post when she has time 🩷
  6. Ooo thank you for cataloging this!

    I want to say there's a few pro stats that weren't advertised in fourms but tbh im kinda sick and digging through my showcase is dizzying 💀 I'll have to do so at a later date
    Spooky_Ari likes this.
  7. Oh! When you’re feeling better lmk which ones I’m missing and I’ll add them 🩷
  8. Just need someone to do Mollys too.
    Don't have the energy to do it myself 😭
    Victoria and Spooky_Ari like this.
  9. PCGC/FLASHTASTIC has it on their albums.