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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by FallenAngel1264, Dec 11, 2020.

  1. Hey all so I’ve recently re joined this app after 5 years and I’m noticing a huge problem after only a couple of days . I use this game to escape from every day life like anybody else but there’s a surprisingly alarmingly large number of people on this app who want to treat it like tinder and send dm’s containing graphically sexual and explicit material as I have received several messages like this and find it super disturbing as most of us are here to make friends and enjoy the game is there anything else that can be done to get rid of this kind of filth cause this app isn’t tinder and I really think there’s plenty of online dating apps out there so this app shouldn’t be getting used for it am I wrong ?
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  2. People should be able to say whatever they want in dms imo. The block button is there for you and others when someone gets unconsentually flirtatious
    AzureDragoon, HaBaek and Ghastly like this.
  3. I cannot imagine this game being for dating like tinder or something. But what she said, keep it in pms, if you don’t like it or want it, say so. If they do not respect your wishes, block. Deal with it and move on. But that’s laughable comparing it to those sites
  4. I dont make friends anymore thus enjoying pimd more
    Ghastly likes this.
  5. I think there are pervs everywhere and in all formats. Quit being a Karen and go take some Brazilian Jujitsu or something.

    tru votes OP owes everyone that read this thread a bento on GP.
    HaBaek and TheSagittarian like this.
  6. This game is for 17+ and is advertised as a roleplay chat game where you can find a significant other, so it's unsurprising. Certain explicit content posted in public channels such as campus, pub, and walls is not permitted and offenders can/will be silenced by a moderator. But general horny posts in pub are allowed within reason. You may turn off pub chat by swiping left on your chat channels and unselecting pub from your chat list.

    Pms are not moderated and cannot be silenced for. If anyone pms or walls you and makes you uncomfortable, be sure to block that person. If you see public violations that have gone unaddressed you can always report them to a mod. The current list of mods can be found here. The rules on silencing and bans can be found in this thread and the ones linked within it.
  7. Pretty much this, everyone forgets about the block button lol
  8. 👀I personally don’t let people follow me unless they wall me why they are following.
  9. Pub was made to get rp out of campus. Its not atas fault everyone moved their convos to pub to. But also this game is 17+ for a reason. You gotta expect horny fucks on any non kid only game on the internet. Deal with it
    Hooters, Alicia and Ghastly like this.
  10. You can ask for clean chat as well
  11. I don't have an issue with this shit in DMs cuz I don't accept random friend requests and I'll just unfriend or block if someone tries something. But I definitely don't like this game being advertised as a "roleplay chat game" and all the fucking hornies in Pub chat (especially since a lot are asking for immoral shit like incest rp and shit). Mods are doing the best they can with the sheer amount of that crap tho.
  12. yeah rp has been around but the excessive ads in pub got worse, sadly... a lot of newbies (i think) probably think of this app as a way to socialize in that way :-( glad the block button exist so you don’t ever have to see them again 👁👄👁
    WhoTfIsWesday and Muschi like this.
  13. Yeahhh, there's a lot of horndogs on here. However, if you only hang out in campus and club chat, you'll have a much better time, I think.
    Muschi, WhoTfIsWesday and Atlas like this.
  14. What do you mean, step-sis. I thought we had something
    Muschi likes this.