LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Holi Celebrations 2023!

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Caster, Mar 2, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    Welcome, PIMD! Please join us in celebrating Holi once again with all-new, limited-time-only content!

    These Limited Time Avatars are available for purchase from March 7th, 12:00 p.m. PST to March 21st, 12:00 p.m. PST!
    The items required to acquire the VIP avatars will be dropping from all parties until May 7th 12:00pm PST!


    VERY IMPORTANT things you'll want to know

    ☞ Each Base avatar can be purchased for 15 ECs!
    ☞ Buying the masculine or feminine *Base Avatar* will start your progress toward that VIP Avatar!
    ☞ You will receive the VIP version of the avatar for collecting the Puran Poli items and completing this content!
    ☞ The Puran Poli items drop from all parties!


    Check out the Brand New Reward Points System that lets you earn rewards on every purchase!
    Only available on the PIMD Web Store
    #1 [ATA]Caster, Mar 2, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2023
    Muschi, Devyn, Phobia and 7 others like this.
  2. Can you buy both at the same time? Or only one?
  3. Okay slay 🥳 (I don't celebrate Holi)
    Psycho and Lumi like this.
  4. Too bad the hunt wasn’t just holi themed
    Xara, -May-, Siren and 4 others like this.
  5. After The last rainbow themed hunt i wasn't expecting it they already gave that like a joli hunt imo with all the colourfulness no wonder there isn't a short 7d holi hunt but a long 21d mid hunt, surprised by the avis though since they didn't even give those last years but gonna settle with what we got 🥸
  6. Does all parties mean literally all parties regarless of what they are? Or does all parties mean from ec parties, potd and ppotd
  7. Thanks, ATA.
  8. Usually, for story passes at least, all parties drop items.
    Kairakau likes this.
  9. Holiii 🪅
  10. where the stories at?
  11. Need to get the avis from the store to start story the avi which you ourchase starts story for it and you get that avi like male gives only male avi, if you don't see it on purchase try restarting game maybe
  12. 😭🫶🏼 this is so pure. a cute avi, quests encouraging you to share kini's w your friends. i love it. gj 😌🫶🏼
    Rabbitoid likes this.