Probably because they haven't been reported yet. I report every one I see and you should have been too. And just because everyone else is breaking the rules, why should you? That's poor logic. I gave you a link to the rules posted by a game developer that explained it was against the rules and why. Here it is again.
In spite of it being weird, age play is allowed as long it's specified to be w members who are 18+ It said in the link you posted and in a post I believe Lyssa made in response to someone whose club had smthing happen to it when they didn't specify 18+ age play.
She likely didn't specify she was over 18, and only did so now to defend the fact she isn't under 17. Also worth pointing out majority of the time it isn't specified, or you get people like the guy on my wall that is openly allowing 17-year-olds.