Finding the final box[Round 4 out of 4]

Discussion in 'Contests' started by I_dunno, Sep 5, 2021.

  1. 💕Finding the final box!💕

    Sherlock Holmes on box 3

    Half her fortune already collected and more hopefully to come you think. After this you might actually afford a fancy new stuffed plushie (read: hedgehog anyone?), a good egg, a doll or a new dorm, the possibilities are endless. You take up the third box and on the little LED-display on the box, you type in the following answers:

    - The wall where the purple heart-emoji could be found was @physicstho.
    - Cheeky_Aelin was first to comment on that event page, (It was ofc "disturbing the Greece"-event I was looking for).
    - @-iLyssaTheGummyBearKissa- was the final wall where you had to post the answers on. Cute poem right? :p

    With a satisfying *click* the box opens and inside you found your prize.

    Winners are:

    @Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia and @AIisa. Congratulations! Mod crates will drop soon in your gift inbox! Also with a little help from my fellow mod friend @-x-KARA-x- , she will hand out crates today, so don´t be expecting anything from me :) I also just want you two winners to observe you from now on can´t win anymore crates (you´ve won maximum, see prizes in the original thread), so if you do happen to be first you won´t be counted to win crates this last round!
    • Fun fact: Originally the most powerful Greek Gods was "the twelve olympians" (Hestia, Hercules and Leto is not considered here). You´ll need it in a bit...

    The final box

    Link to the original thread where you can find more information:

    After opening 3 boxes you finally end up with a box shining in emerald, the box itself would probably be worth a fortune, but you really want what´s inside...You just have to crack that final code and as your fingers itch to type in the right answers you throw yourself right into it.


    A little reminder of the rules...
    • FOLLOW THE TERMS OF SERVICE. AKA follow the game rules. No posting offensive stuff or anything that breaks the rules. These can be found here if you are unsure:
    • NO SPOILERS! Answers should be posted to the players wall given out in one of the clues. (Different player each round of trivia)
    • DON'T POST THE ANSWERS IN THIS THREAD OR MY WALL! Doing so, or in any way spoiling the scavenger hunt will lead to immediate disqualification from the round. If you do it more than once you get disqualified from the whole hunt. Let everyone have a chance to win, don't be greedy.
    • YOUR FIRST ANSWER COUNTS. If you post several answers the first one is the one we will review, so if you're wrong...bummer.
    • LOCK ON ONE MOD. If the clue requires you to find a mods wall, don't copy and paste the answer on all mods wall. Caught doing so will result in disqualification.
    • DON'T USE ALTS. Using alts to try get better chances or win more crates will lead to disqualification. I will control this, so please play respectfully with ONLY ONE account in this hunt.
    • DON'T SPAM THIS THREAD. I would appreciate if this thread wasn't drowned in nonsense talk, keep it relevant to the actual scavenger hunt, without spoilers thank you!
    • ASK ME QUESTIONS. If you have any questions, please do wall me since I might miss the question (or answer super slow) if posted in this thread. And no, I will not answer any questions regarding the clues themselves. My lips are sealed.


    This one is a bit special as it requires a combination. From the previous rounds you've now collected a series of numbers (it is not required you have attended all to win this prize, but like it helps, lol). Search for the club who has the right combination, on that wall you will find the last riddles. Use the following format: -XX-YY-DD-.

    UPDATE: clue 2 was updated to better fit the story.

    Post the correct answers of the clues on that club owners wall the fastest to win an additional 1 crate (there will be 2 winners)

    Good luck, you're almost there! Make sure to wrap it up and see this through pals!

    #1 I_dunno, Sep 5, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2021
    I_dunno likes this.
  3. Observe: Clue 2 has been updated to better fit the story 😅
  4. It is confusing for a reason 😆 mohahaha
  5. idek what xx evn means lmao
    Muschi likes this.
  6. Lol thanks for hosting . Congratulations to all who winning it .🌹❣️
  7. I swear I've tried every possible combo with the 3 sets of numbers to no avail lmfao
    Leah likes this.
  8. Same am convinced am juss stupid by now
    Muschi likes this.
  9. Well I’ve made my answer although it might be completely wrong. These last days have been challenging and super fun! Congrats to all who win and thank you for hosting this contest :D
    Alisa and I_dunno like this.
  10. I finally found it, but this part threw me off because it gives the wrong amount of digits required.
    _HeIium_ likes this.
  11. I've gotten now that it was a bit unclear, it is meant as an example, still gotta use the actual numbers provided in the whole hunt 😅
    _HeIium_, Muschi and Alvin like this.
  12. On the wall 👀
  13. I’m crying I saw 2021 on the furniture box and put 2021 instead of 77 the actual hunt box I’m CRYING IM DECEASED
  14. I got 2 dns from the mod crate so don't be sad if you're not winning LMAO 😩 TY FOR HOSTING THO
    MayaTheHopeful and I_dunno like this.
  15. Thank you for hosting this contest!
    It made me think a lot. Didnt win any since time was a disadvantage but overall super fun! 💛
    I_dunno likes this.
  16. Why are you posting spoilers in the thread
  17. That's a real bummer 🥺 Glad you liked it though 💕
    catharsis likes this.
  18. That was fun, also I discovered I’m so slow

    Thank you @I_dunno
    I_dunno likes this.
  19. Ok. So I am still lost and couldn't find the correct way to put the numbers. This was fun definitely agree it was at a wrong time advantage for me.
    I_dunno likes this.