Does Misc Cap apply to % Misc?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Milk158, Aug 29, 2019.

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  1. I am at my raw misc cap, does that make my %misc stats completely useless or does it raise my cap ?
  2. Your cap only rises when you upgrade. Now that you’re at your max you can hit harder & higher (stat wise) and are also harder to hit. (Please correct me if I’m wrong I’m not 100% sure)
  3. Idk about the last part, but the first sentence is wrong. Your misc cap also rises if your rs upgrades or your tb increases
    Muschi likes this.
  4. Ah 👌🏼. I don’t focus too much on stats so I don’t know a lot.
  5. You guys are missing the question, I know how raw misc works i’m asking about % stats, for example if my misc cap is 1bcs, and i have 1bcs in misc, what does my 100%str and 100%int do? like does it double my cap to 2bcs or is it rendered useless now
  6. I don't think ata gave us that information. You should ask them
  7. Is forums not where you contact ATA?
  8. Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  9. That “ATA says % misc doesn’t affect misc cap” so can you confirm it’s useless after you’re capped on misc? Or does it at least apply to dorm mates
  10. The green text is a link. Please tap on it and read what ATA has said about it. If you have further questions, you'll need to contact ATA yourself via a help ticket as Julie explained.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  11. No

    It doesn't affect misc cap and isn't included in the cap either.
  12. Locking as others have responded with the correct answers. 😘
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
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