LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Brand New Social Box Swag!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, Sep 7, 2021.

  1. [​IMG]

    Calling all PIMD Professors! Whether you're cuddling at home with a good book, doing some late-night cramming or studying abroad, our new social box content has got what you need to succeed!

    Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card!





    New Noms

    We've got a tasty new lineup of items! Here's a sneak peek of what you could find stashed away in your boxes. And who knows what they all might combine into!


    Content Moving to the Social Legacy Box

    The following content is LEAVING THE SOCIAL BUDDY BOXES
    and moving over to the


    Skate Life Sensation
    Skate Life Sensation (VIP)
    Surf-fluencer Star
    Surf-fluencer Star (VIP)
    Sneakerhead King
    Sneakerhead King (VIP)
    Shoe-Tube Queen
    Shoe-Tube Queen (VIP)
    Nomadic Naturegrammer
    Nomadic Naturegrammer (VIP)
    Wildlife Webcaster
    Wildlife Webcaster (VIP)
    Heavyweight Unboxer
    Heavyweight Unboxer (VIP)
    Insistentgram Idol
    Insistentgram Idol (VIP)

    Social Furniture
    "Hit Like" Walls
    "Hit Like" Floor
    "Hit Like" Window
    "Hit Like" Poster
    "Hit Like" Speaker Lamp
    Golden Vloggers' Award
    "Hit Like" Bedside Table
    "Hit Like" Soloroid Display
    "Hit Like" Trunk and Plant
    Instant Influencer
    Snap and Chat
    "Hit Like" Accent Chair
    "Hit Like" Bookshelf
    "Hit Like" Rug
    "Hit Like" Media Desk
    "Hit Like" Vanity
    Fish Tank Livestream
    "Hit Like" Makeup Tray
    "Hit Like" Green Screen
    Vlogger's Corner

    For The New Dormers

    What are Social Shopper Boxes?
    ☞ Colloquially known amongst the community as Buddy Boxes, Social Shopper Boxes are gift boxes that go out to a purchaser's entire club when they make certain EC or DN package purchases!

    How Do I Get One?
    You can get 'em one of two ways:
    1. Make a EC or DN package purchase yourself and receive a Box for you and for your Club Members!
    2. Receive one when someone else in your Club generously makes a EC or DN package purchase!
    You, as the purchaser, can earn one Social Shopper Box. There are four tiers, depending on which package you purchase: BFF, Super, Celebrity, OR Legend Boxes.
    Club members can receive either one of three different tiers: Buddy, Bestie, OR BFF Boxes.
    The $4.99 (USD), $19.99, $74.99, and $99.99 packs all have Social Shopper Boxes, with the buddy box being at the $19.99 value. The bigger the purchase, the sweeter the Box drops!

    K, But What's In Them?
    ☞ Special avatars, unique furniture, and rare items that combine into even rarer stat items. All these Box drops can only be attained through the Social Shopper Boxes!
    Check out our previous forum announcement for more information on these great Boxes!
    #1 ATAClaptrap, Sep 7, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2021
  2. cuter than the last
  3. I kinda like the avis πŸ’«
  4. Cute 😍
  5. Meh on the avis personally but SUUUUPER cute dorm and horray for more bb items!!! πŸ’™
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  6. Dig the furni 😍
    Campus likes this.
  7. i like the avis, atleast the female ones.
  8. Cute πŸ’›
  9. The avis are hawt πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
  11. Okay, I love these. RIP to those that attended the BBB last night tho
  12. Yall are spoiling us lately - RIP my wallet πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‚
    Intoxication likes this.
  13. Lmao @ the Arthur gif
    ALittleBirdie likes this.
  14. Why all the Avis built like that
    Old people??? 😢
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  15. I really love the bike and tv furniture items in the room.
    It’s cute and unique.
  16. Avis are cute❀️
    ALittleBirdie likes this.
  17. boring
    luvhaven likes this.
  18. Best thing about this is the Arthur reference.
    Silmeria likes this.
  19. The way that the social box is progressively getting worse-
    luvhaven likes this.