LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Black History Month 2023

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Jan 25, 2023.

  1. I Just need to say, the designer this month is passionate in what they’re investing in. Such beautiful eye to detail! Happy Black History month 🤎
  2. Yes, BHM is in October in the UK. Unsure about other countries.
  3. I didn’t know UK celebrates Black History Month (BHM) that’s something new that I just learn :) for America our BHM begins in February:)
    MiaKhaIifa, SweetAsYonii and Muschi like this.
  4. Y’all hate males or something? Still only 2 male avi options… very messed up in my opinion
    Pterodactyl, Gatubela and Yuzuri like this.
  5. Nice. Fingers crossed we not gonna be cut to 1 a month soon tho which it seems like might happen. This game does seem to becoming more and more feminine as time goes on. Guys are allowed to play social phone games to its not just a chick thing
  6. Bring back 3 monthly men avi’s 😔
  7. The "cheetah" looks more like a leopard. Looks nothing like a cheetah 😭
  8. Why can't you guys make more than 2 monthly avatars available for xc coins purchase? I mean they all have same stats but different coin amounts be nice to see 62 and 32 available for xc coins 🤔
  9. PIMD you had the opportunity to go in so many different modern-day directions for example modern day rap culture lots of good artists abs styles out right now also you could have gone with black lives matter protesters holding signs (like you did for pride month with the people holding signs) or even just hip hop dance or R&B modern-day with this I could have designed way better and I'm not even a designer and can we please at least get our own side story or hunt event one day instead of just some themed avatars in the store. You're so behind should have gotten that years ago.

    PLEASE STOP CONSULTING ONLY IN CANADA with just one type of minority from canada CONSULT WITH WITH MULTIPLE MINORITIES from all over the world black culture is very different in different parts of the world.