LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🧚Brand New VIP Champagne Box Content: Avis + Items + Furni! 🌳

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Mar 17, 2021.

  1. I want to know why ATA is fking Australian players over with prices, considering the VIP for a week in Australia is $30.99Aud. The current conversion to USD is About $25.75. So for every 6 VIP packs we buy in Aussie we could have got a 7th one. Its not like there are import duties or taxes to pay like physical goods, and it really wouldn't be too hard to code a currency conversion system in place to make pricing fairer.
  2. Price check on ouros and toadstool?

    ouro level 1,2,3
    Toadstool level 2,3
  3. I have ouroboros, toadstool mushroom, anchors to trade

    Looking for cups of sweetness
  4. ❤️🤍💙Selling +1 for bbb tomorrow @6pm est❤️🤍💙22b❤️🤍💙
  5. Selling 🌚
  6. Selling
    • red toadstool
    • blue toadstool
    • silver anchor
    • black domino mask
  7. so ugly tbh
  8. Can anyone please let me know how much the red roses bouquet is selling for, I'm trying to buy one for the Avi
  9. Hi xxx
  10. Hello there darling And how are you doing today How’s your day 😘
    1. Fcgdhgmvmhgxmgfc
  11. What avatar is supreme red toadstools and just the regular red toadstool house avatars?