Correct, but different currencies have different pricings! And it isn't always an even exchange either, unfortunately. $19.99USD is $25.15CAD for example, but there is a slight increase of a few dollars. I also know that purchasing with GBP (British pounds) is not an even exchange rate and is more expensive as well, and by a larger gap than the USD to CAD pricing.
I’ve never had a vip avatar before, could someone tell me what the stats are/would be for the toadstool avatars?
What's the thread called I'm curious about that since i just obtained the red toadstool avi and I'm thinking of getting the vip too
Female avatars once again getting the better looks. Male ones remaining to look like dogshit every time lmao
What's the difference in the red toadstools and the blue ones? When combined (5 red or 5 blue) what exactly do you get?