STORY PASS 🧚 My Fairy (Dorm)Mother - Rewinded 🧚

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Oct 23, 2024.

  1. way 🧍🏻‍♀️
  2. Could’ve de
    We need to fix that 4.5 stars rating on the App Store for y’all. Fucking ridiculous
  3. Links:
    May 3, 2024

    There are others, some with personal info so I will refrain from posting here, but all can be found with simple Google searches.

    I think knowing where and with who you spend your money is important. Yall should take a quick Google and just check to make sure you still want to support a company making these decisions.
    marly_marls, Taytay, LoveTKO and 25 others like this.
  4. Puke vomit gag. Thanks for forcing me to save ecs😭
  5. I feel bad for whoever u date
    bean_ie, SierraStarlet, NG and 21 others like this.
  6. This actually makes a lot of sense, I was truly wondering why they’re so desperate, the candy bar fiasco was horrendous, but heck, even the bundles in the web store going for around $200. 💀

    And it’s sad how they are so professional on LinkedIn, with the updates, posts, pictures and what not, but can’t answer or clarify anything to the actual community that gives them profit. They really don’t care or else the community as a whole would be treated differently.
  7. Wtf?? Not only you guys fucked up the halloween event with the candy bar drops, from all of the story pass, you did a rerun on these??? Halloween event sure didnt give you enough money, so you choose to do another cash grab
    bean_ie, Adalia, FastForward and 11 others like this.
  8. Nah doing this to the kobe year is crazy
    Adalia and xDevilx like this.
  9. Actually give me my ecs back
  10. I'm not really that much against story pass reruns, but this could have been done better - like picking a better story pass (myth fulfillment anyone?? Pls pls), and ideally with a new story pass alongside it.
  11. Boycott Black Friday! Y'all haven't cared about us for ages you just want money. This game used to be amazing but clearly y'all don't care about us and just want the money. BOYCOTT BLACK FRIDAY
  12. How about reserving a section in the surveys for us to vote on different throwback story passes? Let us see the Avis and items from each one and the one with the most votes will win. That way the community gets what they want, everyone wins. Yall can add some extra surprises, that would be cool too. At least then the majority of people will be happy and more inclined to make a purchase.
    NG, Adalia, affywulfric and 34 others like this.
  13. I'm really disappointed rn, like wtf 😤. I haven't even collected the damn candy bar and now This?
  14. Lazy af combined with your disgusting greedy trick or treat candy drops; yall getting 1 star reviews and it’s your own fault lmao do better.
    Adalia, Die, Emmie and 15 others like this.
  15. oh.. who would’ve guessed it’d be a rerun :3 and a shit one nonetheless
  16. that when i look this story pass,i feel i ever do this and im right 🙄 ata fr 🙄
  17. So when we did surveys, who voted for this? Be honest ata
  18. I will say, it’s not uncommon for companies to do layoffs, especially in the current economy. It sucks and I don’t wish it on anyone or any company, but I can’t really fault them for it.

    Honestly the fact that ATA reached out to try and help get the people they laid off jobs speaks to what they are as a WORK environment. While I disagree with some of there practices for the communities they host, I haven’t read or seen anything that shows ATA is anything but a good workplace.

    That being said, their communities should be the priority and honestly it’s disappointing that some of the old school ATA folk aren’t as actively involved it seems. Grant would’ve never let this happen to us :’(
    bean_ie, Demux, Adalia and 9 others like this.
  19. Thank you for sharing this. It's such an eye opener. So they actually laid off the original team who made the game unique and creative. So now we are left with recycled crap. I only recently came back to the game after a break, and I think it's time to leave for good. Seriously considering it.