NEW FEATURE πŸ”’ 2-Factor Authentication! πŸ”’

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, May 24, 2023.

  1. That sounds more like you have a hoarding problem. And that has nothing to do with ata
  2. its 10+ years or more of photos (i literally have my siblings and my own baby photos in there) what do you expect its family and friends ofc ill have photos ill like to keep especially if I traveled during those times. You make it seem like you dont have old photos/memories you want to keep lmao. Again my comment is saying that it’s beyond security and if you look at my other comments I’m sure youll be able to understand that…
    UnholyAlphaWolf and Libra like this.
  3. fr thats why i dont understand then trying to say its to make the game better when the stuff they make is often reused and they dont listen to feedback
    UnholyAlphaWolf likes this.
  4. Never said i disagree. It should be a 1 time only thing needed per device. Just some of the excuses people are saying along with it are stupid
  5. This is probably the stupidest thing you've done Ata. WHT are ya actually accomplishing. Not gonna stop ppl sharing accounts you just making harder for.ppl don't cheat. Hey why not do something beneficial an stop ppl from buying bento off the game. That be a good change. This fn stupid.
    joemee_, UnholyAlphaWolf and Noen like this.
  6. Maybe try fixing first the verification links you're sending before implementing 2fa 😴 mine is already verified but ffs! IT TOOK ME A LONG TIME because the links always aren't working.
    Noen and FelixInferno like this.
  7. tbh i think this is the dumbest idea yet...

    i asked some questions about it in the help section. & its sooooo confusing (cuz i didnt understand this post)

    1 - i been fully active for 3 years & it just feels like im doing the game tutorial again. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜©

    2 - some of my alts accs i made withing those 3 years (so i dont know the spacific dates when i made them)

    3 - most of those emails i dont know the logins. does that mean i gotta make 4 NEW emails too hold my 20ish accounts? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    4 - gonna leave it at that. but theres more....

    its annoying. like above you guys shouldve given us more time & ask our opinion before doing it.
  8. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ hi again.

    if two the main reasons for this is bots/hackers;

    - like mentioned above. we're not kids. games for +17yrs old. & + pmid isnt a bank. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ its a GAME. i just re-downloaded a game from 2 years ago. and yk what? it didnt ask me for a vertify code. just asked for my id(game username) and passward. and BOOM logged in.

    - if you guys have alt/bot problems, you guys should try to solve it tbh. us game players dont care about those things & involing us makes the game less funner. like i gotta make new vertify emails and log into the email for the code?

    tbh if new players see all the vertifications stuff they might not wanna play no more. like i said its a game & not a bank.
  9. Thank god, maybe you’ll finally delete all of these bots and spammers and account sharers and RMT losers. Unlikely, but maybe
  10. To the people crying about losing your alts: cry harder.
    TheSagittarian likes this.
  11. sayd
    says the guy who uses alts to buy beds for 4:1b. 😏
  12. How i get verification if use
  13. You cant. You dont work for ata so you cant use their email domain
    Rosalia likes this.
  14. So there new members like me an well known member hmm
  15. Kinda discoromatay
  16. We just all can't be members
  17. Kinda funny took me 7 years get phone that can actually get on forums now there new members old member
  18. Who tf invited this pos? ^ Gross.
    xPeachMamii- and SweetHearts like this.
  19. Just wanted to add in my comments because I definitely like the idea. However, like most people, I think checking your emails for a verification code every time is a bit excessive. Maybe a one-time thing (on a new unrecognizable device) would be better.

    I don’t know about you guys, but I personally have my work and university emails logged in on my phone. Alts emails and such, I do not have logged on. So if I want to log onto my alts, I’d have to log out of one of my work or university email to log into my alt email in order to retrieve the verification code. Sounds like too much time to me. πŸ˜…

    I’m not a player with a crazy ton of alts, but I know a lot of people that rely on alts for misc to sell to get bentos. So all you misc-buyers out there (me included), you better hope your misc seller don’t die on you like mine did because of a loss of alts. πŸ˜…
    NotThatJean, Tizzy, Noen and 4 others like this.