VIP Champagne Box: Combinable Avatars

Discussion in 'Guides' started by -iLyssaTheGummyBearKissa-, Apr 12, 2018.

  1. Trading resplendent platinum chain for resplendent gold chain 🖤 add me if interested.
  2. Buying final form blue flip phones wmo 💙🤗
  3. Buying lovely mirror shards 1:1b
    Wall Me 🩵
  4. Is there a new page for the new ones? can't find the post for chains and mirrors
  5. As of now it has not been updated yet 🥹
  6. Slayy🧍🏻‍♀️
  7. Ty for letting me know
  8. Guys explain to us about the new one
  9. @BOXER should be on first page of this forum
    BOXER likes this.
  10. buying any form of deer skull 2b each 🥺
  11. Buying Ignited Ice Butterflies/Dual or Splendid WM please 🥹🩵🦋