Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Nov 9, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    Introducing Exclusive, NEW, VIP AVATARS!

    Collect these STUNNING AVATARS by spending those VIP Tokens in the VIP Shop!

    How do I get VIP Tokens you ask?
    You can find all the details in this forum post here, but remember the best deals are over in our PIMD Web Store!

    Why are these VIP Subscriptions so great?
    VIP Subscriptions come with a huge array of other benefits! Below are a few highlights to peak your interest!

    🎁 Double Box/Capsule Opening and Pet Feeding!
    🌟 VIP Subscription Exclusive Offers!
    ⏭ Auto Skip Spinner + Regen Ads!
    💎 Weekly ECS!
    ⬆️ THE BEST Cash/Drop Boosts!

    VIP Token Avatars

    Classy aaannnddd Classic 💃🕴

    General FAQ

    What are the stats of the Avatars?
    Shimmering Splendor and Polished Panache have 70/70 Stats
    Shimmering Splendor and Polished Panache have 75/75 Stats

    Basic Glittering Grace and Sparkling Sophistication have 90/90 Stats
    Glittering Grace and Sparkling Sophistication have 95/95 Stats

    How many VIP Tokens do I need for these Avatars?
    The prices will vary in VIP Tokens, based on the stats and Rarity of the Avatar! Check the VIP Token Shop for the details!

    How do I get more VIP Tokens?
    Each Subscription package level awards a different amount of VIP Tokens Daily!
    To earn more tokens upgrade your plan!

    What is an Upgrade?

    An upgrade is when you are currently subscribed to a plan that is higher than your current plan, like Bronze --> Silver or Silver --> Gold. These work differently based on your method of payment:

    🤖On Android:
    The Upgrade happens immediately and your billing date remains the same.
    This means the charge you see will be less than the normal monthly charge, as Android will only charge you the difference between what you spent, and cost of an upgrade for the remaining days in this billing cycle.

    🍎On iOS:
    Upgrades happen immediately and your billing date changes immediately.
    This means you will be refunded an amount based on how many days of your current billing cycle are unused.
    And you will be charged the full cost for the Upgraded package for the new billing cycle.

    🛍On the Web Store
    Upgrades purchased through the PIMD Web Store will take effect at the end of your current subscription cycle.

    What are the perks of each package?
    Check out our previous forum post about the Bronze, Silver and Gold Subscriptions here!

    How do I learn more about Managing/Canceling my Subscription?
    For details on how to manage a subscription tap the appropriate link:
    🛍 PIMD Web Store Subscriptions
    🤖 Android In App Subscriptions
    🍎 iOS In App Subscriptions


    Check out the Brand New Reward Points System that lets you earn rewards on every purchase![/URL]
    Only available on the PIMD Web Store
    #1 ATAClaptrap, Nov 9, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2023
    --Tifa, QUBY, Muschi and 2 others like this.
  2. Should have lowered 🙂 imagine getting 50 only per day
    Gir, Pancakke, FastForward and 11 others like this.
  3. The forum keeps updating:eek: cmon guys, give us what we want
    Julia1762 likes this.
  4. Pls ata, I have rent to pay
    RitaRoses, Gir, SweetSmoked and 3 others like this.
  5. im still waiting for promo ngl😂
  6. How long will these be in shop for?
  7. These avis look so good! Wish they were the shard avis 😩
  8. Wish the prices weren't that high 😑 already paying a lot per month to have the subscription and can't even get the Avis with gold subscription unless I wait 70+ days. All the furni is way less even the 499 and 999, idk where you guys came up with the prices for them. I love the Avis just not the price 🤧
    Gir, Dion_, CachouFleur and 18 others like this.
  9. The avis are lovely, but what I really want is new VIP token stat items!
  10. I adore these! Anyway they can be in the same section as the furni and stat items in the Shop though? It seems odd to make a new section entirely for it when they're purchased with the same tokens.
    It appears they are permanent additions.
    Gir, --Tifa, 62cents and 1 other person like this.
  11. Still waiting on VIP boxes to update 👀 Usually happens every 120days and we are past that mark.

    Honestly for the price of these avis, I would expect them to have more to them. They look good, but for the price they don't really have much going on.
  12. 6k coins for an avi???? LOL! It’s about a whole year of collecting those coins and about 4 months if you get the most expensive subscription. Smh, ridiculous.
    Gir, CachouFleur, iJustEmma and 13 others like this.
  13. Too many coins needed. Shouldve made it 1000-2000 range only. Then maybe you can see more people subscribing, and forgetting to cancel their subscription. :p

    But yeah, shouldve made it more attainable so it will serve as more reason for people to be tempted to subscribe because of promo.
    Gir, CachouFleur, 13Amara13 and 2 others like this.
  14. i’m glad others are feeling the same way as I, me not having the VIP subscription because I have shit to pay for 😭 so having the avis be so OP makes me not really want them. once I get the sub i’ll STILL have to wait a good grip to save up tokens…
    Gir, Muschi, --Tifa and 2 others like this.
  15. Pretty but out of reach ..hit and miss with the Shards and reused lingerie avi ..themes these aren’t even obtainable. OP ..
    Gir, AIice and Elizamoon like this.
  16. Kinda odd to me that the ‘basic’ is basic but the ‘vip’ is just different colored. That’s still basic imo just like hunt variants. If you’re spending money they should at least have a lil extra to the design
  17. Very pretty Avis but it’s gonna take me about 386 days to get the basic silver dress one if I get the silver subscription 😂
    It’s fine to have limited items for paying users but having to save over 100 days for an avatar feels a bit much ngl
    Gir, Muschi, CapedClown and 4 others like this.
  18. These should of been the shard avis 🥺😞
    Psyche likes this.
  19. Imagine collecting tokens for 5months with gold subscription for a 95/95 Avi 🌚
    Dolcezza and Elizamoon like this.
  20. Omg 6k!? Please lower this 😭
    Muschi likes this.