Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Apr 10, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]
    Eid Mubarak to the PIMD Fam!
    Join us in the breaking of fast this Eid with all-new, limited-time-only content!
    If you aren't familiar with Eid ul Fatir, you can read more on this great resource!

    These Limited Time Avatars are available for purchase from April 20th, 12:00 p.m. PST to May 4th, 12:00 p.m. PST!
    The items required to acquire the VIP avatars will be dropping from all parties until May 21st 12:00pm PST!


    VERY IMPORTANT things you'll want to know

    ☞ Each Base avatar can be purchased for 20 ECs!
    ☞ These Avatars can be found in the Featured Banners of the Shop, or by going to the Avatar Carousel scrolling left (tap See All on the Avatar Shop header).
    ☞ Buying one of the "Base Avatars" will start your progress toward that VIP Avatar!
    ☞ You will receive the VIP version of the avatar for collecting the Stuffed Dates items and completing this content!
    ☞ The Stuffed Dates items drop from all parties when you have purchased one of these avatars
    SPECIAL NOTE: We realized that the Holi Avatars were setup with lower stats than our St. Patrick's Day avatars, when they should be the same! So we've gone ahead and bumped the Holi Avatars up to 30%/30% and 60%/60% stats 😍


    Check out the Brand New Reward Points System that lets you earn rewards on every purchase!
    Only available on the PIMD Web Store
    #1 ATA-Will, Apr 10, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2023
    Gossamer, Muschi, Cinnabun and 13 others like this.
  2. oh i just noticed, the photo says 20 ecs and the writeup says 15 ecs?
  3. Sorry about that!
    Incorrect copy down in the bottom, it should be 20 EC's as reflected on their prices in the shop!
    I've just updated it!

    Thanks for the quick flag!
    Muschi, Julia1762 and Astra- like this.
  4. CUTE! But also… why the unbalance in Avis tho? One male and two female?
    Blair, _Lukas and Rosalia like this.
  5. I guess its because pimd is a female dominated game?
  6. This is awesome! Thanks for the Eid avis and side stories, and for fixing the stats on the Holi avis. 💜
    Maha, Lumi, Astra- and 1 other person like this.
  7. These avis are soo prettyy 🙈💕
    But why does it cost a premium to purchase cultural avatars 🤨
    The Lunar New Year avatars were $20 frickin dollars
    The Holi and now Eid avatars all cost ecs, albeit not $20 worth, but still.
    MayaTheHopeful, Anori, Guy and 7 others like this.
  8. I like the avatars but I agree with above, cultural avatars shouldn't be so expensive. The black history month and the LGBTQ+ avatars you put at 5ec so that they would be more accessible. It seems off to have a different standard for Muslim ones.
    feline, MayaTheHopeful, Guy and 9 others like this.
  9. They could’ve just added another male
    _Lukas likes this.
  10. They're definitely cute avatars; I love it tbh, but I have one concern about why all the Hijabi avatars have dark skin, like, really, why? I'm a white girl and I'm Hijabi too, so I have the right to see something representing me, and my words are not meant to be offensive to people with darker skin at all.
  11. Oh man, I love stuffed dates...
  12. do we have to pick between droping dog or cat to get the vip? if none was done then u cannot get vip one? 😔
    Bjanca likes this.
  13. Can we buy both female avis at the same time and do the quest for both of them at the same tjme? Or do I need to finish one quest before I start a new quest? Idk happy 420
  14. Why do u all make hijabi avis always brown or dark skinned????? That's racist
    Maha likes this.
  15. 20 ecs to buy the avi, just to realize I have to spend 49-69 more ec to complete the tasks. 🙄
  16. Appreciate you sharing your feedback.
    We haven't had that many Avatars wearing Hijab just yet. So you are likely right there isn't full representation yet. Especially when we only put out a few avatars at a time.

    So I'll make sure to pass this feedback along to the team for future :)
    Appreciate you sharing, I see you! ❤️
  17. Will why are you the only one who cares about pimd anymore. I see you all the time doing all the things. Even jumping in in pub to join the players. I never see anyone else anymore
    MayaTheHopeful and Maha like this.
  18. This is a great question!
    The quest starts for each avatar once you purchase it.
    So if you have got two avatars at the same time, when you complete actions that would count for one it should count for the other!

    But the Quest progress aren't tied directly together.
    So if you complete step1 for one avatar, then buy a second avatar, you'd have to complete step 1 for the second avatar separately.

    Does that make sense?
    Muschi likes this.
  19. Appreciate your appreciation of me, but I'm not the only one that cares! In fact far from it!

    I am the main point of contact for community stuff though, so that would be why you see me more than anyone else :)
    Muschi, MayaTheHopeful, nixi3 and 2 others like this.