Put a stop to scamming.

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, Oct 20, 2022.

  1. I wanted to add something, when I say we, I mean myself…I know I can’t speak for everyone
    KaiIto, ignSUCKS and Arabelle like this.
  2. I want help! GamerCookies and Alice-in-wonder is farmers. Is the same person. She attacking always and harrasing user.
  3. harassing users*
  4. Threatening users
  5. Pvp is not harassment its part of the game. The more you moan about it the more you will get hit.
    Azrael_Zahgurim likes this.
  6. @-QueenHeartBreaker- stole a bento from me for ec club and then she dropped me without any reason
  7. You would of finished your parties. Clubs arnt responsible for you missing them. Its up to you to book for a time you are able to be on
  8. Ec clubs are hardly ever scams and haven’t been for years. A bento doesn’t get you a long stay, so if you join during a time you can’t be active and hit parties, that is your own fault. You were dropped because your stay ended, which is marked by the ending # in your tag. You can keep track of what number party they are on through the club announcement!

  9. We were all scammed. Why do u think they are Alts? We have been scammed and we raised this issue. We do not want cat back. If they are banned it's good, if not, we just want others to not be scammed. They are scamming every day. That's why we took this to the forum. All of us are scammed. The others are not my Alts.
    Azrael_Zahgurim likes this.
  10. Forums does nothing. Forums is just other players.

    Ip ban stopped working the moment vpn was invented
  11. As a general reminder, this thread is not designed to report scams.

    Public defamation, regardless if true or false, is not permitted. If you think that a scam breaks the ToU don't hesitate to contact me or another mod and we'll help you as best as we can.
  12. That's good 🧍
    isamu likes this.
  13. Hello
    isamu likes this.
  14. 「▹ Trades that cannot go through the trading system. Certain items such as Hypnocats or Money Dogs cannot be traded (Examples: Flashes, Buddy Box Bombs, DVP and Tutorstrip). This can lead to difficulties in ensuring a fair trade. It is a common practice to wait to pay until the item has been dropped in the party. Ask friends and club mates for recommendations on trusted droppers to ensure scamming doesn’t occur.」

    Quoting that... Well not anymore. My recent experience was buyer show the agreed payment in trading system. Then I drop the agreed item in party. Once I did that, the trade got cancel, buyer blocked me, club kicked me out and won’t let me in. Even the club admins all blocked me. Well there’s nothing I do here. So I have learned my lesson, get payment first before drop people!

    I’m just here to spread awareness. The club name is denzer_hitu. It might be just one of the front for the whole operation, who know how many more club like that. I have also learned that apparently I’m not the first victim. There are many before me and many more will come after me. Hopefully they see this before too late.
  15. How about you put a stop to bots?
    Azrael_Zahgurim and sinnamanbun like this.
  16. We should be able to choose whether we want a male or female avi out of the avatar boxes. I open my boxes and get male avis more often than I get female and it sucks. This time I wanted the female avi so bad I bought boxes and still the male.
  17. Be glad you at least got male lol

    Most people would die to even get a Avi

    sounds like a suggestion, how about posting it here?
  18. I meant one of the avis from avatar boxes you get from reaching a certain amount of points in the hunt💁🏽‍♀️, not the other ones that contain everything cause Ik it’d be rare to get one from those lol
    isamu likes this.
  19. But thanks for the suggestion link idk how to work ts yet
    isamu likes this.
  20. Oh 😂

    Will it cheer you up if I tell you that it’s possible? 👀

    Through something called side story, it’s the phone on the left, then click on the leafy snaps…

    There’s an avi box later on…where, for example, if you got male, now you can get the female.

    It’s a little harder but you’ll get it…just be active and collect those leafy snaps by partying.

    Other factor influence how much you get each party, like max plunder or hit counts…

    this link clears up like over half,

    if you have further questions, feel free to explore the forum…

    I’m tired lol