NEW CONTENT πŸ’Ž A Bejewelled Champagne Box πŸ’Ž

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Villanel, Apr 15, 2024.

  1. I really like this πŸ₯Ί
  2. i’m seriously gonna think soon that whoever makes these male avis are sexist. Females avis are given much more attention and time to enhance it whereas male avis are just…meh.
  3. You guys seriously need new ideas. This is like a recreation. Plus, why are the male avas meh again?
    Tiramisu likes this.
  4. Tbh so many of us are tired of "hot" avis in provocative poses and/or wearing underwear... Beautiful girls in flowy dresses are rarely given to us.
    Tiramisu likes this.
  5. Which avis do we get?
    Tiramisu likes this.
  7. There are literally April avatars in flowly dresses in shopπŸ’€
    -Luc- likes this.
  8. What are the stats on the Avatars?
  9. Selling the Priceless Polish Parrot Perch 999-40bπŸŒΉβ€οΈπŸ’ž
  10. Okay but does anyone know what the chain avis are??? πŸ₯Ί