Zodiac war league

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TheLustyMonk2, Apr 14, 2016.

  2. I am confused as to where to sign up.. Can you sign me up for Capricorn please.. I am about 12mcs..
  3. On the first post on this thread, click on "league" that appears in blue and you'll get a form...
  4. The teams can be viewed in this thread

    Also the form is available there
  5. For people that can't find the form, you can find it here
  6. The list of teams can be seen on the other thread named zodiac war league progress. However that's not the final list...a final list will be posted with the schedule soon and we'll try to accommodate as many people as possible
  7. I'm in..fire!!!
  8. Good thing youre not on fire... :p
  9. Save water :?
  10. Team Air FTW ?.
  11. Aww I'm 3mcs+ can't join==
  12. Nobody can save Water now ?
  13. Water looking better now
  14. Not meant water team :shock:
    Save water :D
  16. I wish I cud join
  17. 20mcs... Team ice?