Zodiac Signs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheSagittarian, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. i want to be a Libra forever and i'll never change my sign <3<3<3<3 i love my sign
  2. I love Casper's comment. Made me chuckle.
    For those that are wondering, I, too, am a Sagittarius. I'd still be a Sagittarius even if I accepted the change of Zodiacs. d: lol
  3. This happened two years ago… 
    i didnt realize it was still a thing.
  4. Your pices sign is wrong dude pices is two fish in a ratio
  5. Is it?  Huh.

    I'll get the right pic, then. 
    Thanks for the info. 
  6. That Pisces is not. wrong. That is what it is, that they formed into a fish. It is the basis of it.
  7. I'm always gonna be a Taurus  Idc bout that new zodiac sign
  8. I love you for this thread.
    I'm a Virgo, but according to AH, I am an Aries.
  9. Well I can't even say it, I certainly don't want to be one 
  10. I'd be Pisces.....

    Hell no.

    Aries Power 
  11. If this is true then I am a capricorn. But the aquarius sign fits my personality very well. Hmmm... now I am confused.
  12. I'm Scorpio but if this is true I'd be a libra. 
  13. I never imagined myself to be on the goatee sign. Im content with the aquarium err aquarius sign.
  14. I'm a Gemini.

    With the addition of the thirteenth sign I'd be a Taurus.

    Funnily enough, though, I know absolutely nothing about what that means.
  15. I was born an Aquarius, and I'll die an Aquarius. You can't take my sign from me. :3
  16. Looking at the dates Scorpios would be libras and Sagittarius would be Scorpios and Sagittarius would be the added sign shared by Capricorn
  17. Cancer 

    I'm always gonna be a cancer :3