Zed's Battle List Diagnosis

Discussion in 'Wars' started by InactiveZed, May 29, 2013.

  1. I don't see The word "active" in this epi but whatever  I guess BL was meant to use.

  2. Actually...the BL has absolutely ZERO inactives on it.

    It's like Epi said, it loads who is or has been on recently. Inactives by definition can't be on the list because they are, anybody??? That's right, INACTIVE!
  3. i agree dan, dont have all your cash out. invest in tuts or pots

    also, im not prejudice, iv hit friends too. granted now im a "terrible friend" for that one hit, but its givin me the suspicion most of my friends are crybabies
  4. No wonder I didn't find no inscribed in BL last time 
  5. I hit someone 2-3 times and she went off the wall XD told me that it was an alt and I was gonna farmed because I farmed her
  6. Inactive* -_- wth "inscribe" 
  7. I said in the tutorial, dear, not the help section. Y'know, that little bit you go through when you first start playing? It shows you were the bl is, and even has you hit a fake active. 
  8. hahaha, im already bein sf'd by a 250kcs named xi_highlander_ix, and what i do is hire more tuts and hit back
  9. I dont think I have ever been hit once by someone hitting off the BL :(

    But I remember hitting an lcbc once 1/1 and they attempted a strip farm on me.
  10. that sux jopo
  11. Epi why you ignore me in public?
  12. people are lurking in my thread!!

    >:0 speak, silent ones
  13. Am I the only one who keep their alt as a reset bomb? I do, u strip farm me, my alt resets and we both lose MONEY MUAHAHAHAHA
  14. charlie
  15. My alts been hit off battle list and im rarely on it… not sure they're all actives but maybe because i never exit the app on my idevice its always online or sumth
  16. I've lost probably around 150-180b from sf by hitting off BL, but I choose to keep doing it, mostly because I don't plan to lcbc any time soon.
  17. I love the BL! I've been sfd by a club over one random BL hit! It was so entertaining!
  18. Here's my issue with BL, if you're hitting off BL who are you to tell me if you hit me how many hits I should return seeing as you started it by hitting me first...if someone would hit me off BL..how many hits they would receive back would depend on the day.