Your Wish Is My Command

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by GoddessOfTheWaters, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. Lol... Wow... Tough crowd. 
  2. Oh my. That made me moist. Made my palms sweat, I meant . I love the details. Blair is so lucky to have dinner with such a gentleman. I love the start. Great details. Grammer and paragraphs are great. I give it a . 5/5 thumbs can't wait for the next update!
  3. Omg update!!!! :evil:
  6. I wish to read on its not bad
  7. Update
  8. Lots of positive feedback! Danks! I'll be updating later tonight or today guys!
  9. Hy are you keeping me from reading this
  10. Expecting to see the gorgeous man I had spent the night with, I opened my eyes. To my surprise, his side of the bed was already made with the pillows upright. On top of the fold of the blanket, there lay that familiar rectangular sheet of paper.

    I took no delay in snatching it and seeing if he wrote the correct amount. Daniel Masters' barely legible signature had been scribbled across the paper. My jaw fell to the floor as I read the amount of money he had written on the line.

    "SHIT! MOTHER FUCKING SHIT! $20,000?!?"

    My voice faded as I said the number aloud. This kind of payment was unheard of! Whatever this Dan was, he wasn't kidding around.
    "I'm a new soul, I came this strange wor-"

    I picked up my phone instantaneously. I was still on edge from finding that check. The coldness of the phone shocked me and sent a minuscule chill down m body.

    "Hello? Blair bear?" An all too familiar voice asked.

    "Kate darling! What's up?" I bantered. It had been an inside joke we had carried for so long, I didn't even remember how it started.

    "I met a client yesterday and he gave me two tickets to the Badmen premiere tonight! Obviously you are coming with me. Right?" Kate insisted.

    "Sounds great. Meet you at the house, okay?" I suggested.

    "Gotcha. It's at 8:00 PM." She added.
    "Come on! We're gonna be late!" Kate nagged. I never was good at keeping time.

    "Alright, alright!" My index finger held the back of my stiletto so my heel would go in. I hopped helplessly as I made my way to the door while still attempting to slip my heels in on the way.

    My white dress fit tightly like all the other ones in my possession. It hit right at my mid-thigh. This was one of my most prized ensembles. The dress itself was half sleeveless and only one shoulder was bare. The other had fabric from my mid-collar bone to mid-shoulder. A chiffon type of fabric hung and lead to a cotton cuff that hit my wrist. The same chiffon semi-see-through fabric flowed from the seam waist and made a high-low effect, the high part only reaching where the more durable fabric hit and the low part hitting the back of my knees.

    My signature read lips and heavy smokey eye were perfection. Glowing in the light were my shaved, tan, and touchably smooth legs. I was ready to go.


    As soon as we arrived to the premiere, Kate and I stepped out of our dashingly white limo. The paparazzi had been prepared to see celebrities step out and took tons of pictures and slowed down as they realized we were nobodies.

    I stepped into the building where hundreds of people joined me. Deciding to take a good look around the people in the lobby, I turned to see a full 360 degrees.

    I only made it to 270.

    I stepped back an inch, taken by utter surprise.


    Daniel Masters was here and he winked at me.
    I'm expecting I made a lot of mistakes, but it's almost midnight. Give me some credit. 
    Also, sorry about the underdeveloped-ness and the tense change. I think it will vary from time to time depending on my mood. 
  11. Oh, and should I keep the sensuality? Or should I cool it down a little?
  12. I liked it, Iuv this story
  13. Keep the sensuality like this  its perfect. Oh my, I so wish I was Blair. Well, I wish I met a Daniel Masters in real life  he sound so charming. Besides the fact that he hired blair, he seems like a gentleman c:
  14. Update! 
  15.  I love this. UPDATE.