-AD_aSongUnsung- Alpha Dawgz aSongUnsung >means theres unlocked potential. Something greater than what i am being but too scared to fully expose myself
Well I choose this name because me and my friends are always crazy together and we call each other unicorns(we love each other that much) I am just cool like that on another level
Agent is from a club tag - Shield, Stark is Iron Man and is awesome. I'm good at killing Club Chat.
DE is for Death Eaters, my club. As for iLoveToBullyMyPup, i was drunk and my pupil dared me to change my name to this...end of story!
Cool Cat was a looney tunes cat from the late 60s I think and my perm club at the time was Looney Tunes, and I shoved my name on the end well some of it
My name is self explanatory. Future Soldier because im enlisting in the military (marines) and 96 is obvious soooo yeep
Ohh and Hussbaby because I am always about the hustle ever since growing up.... gotta thank my old man for that. RIP Gramps
PAS is my club. Innamorata is an italian word. In english In Love. Innamorata is a afternoon local series here in philippines. ツ