ur correct I'm not a child but I'm sure u are... and I'm suggesting u sit back and watch the comments.. i saw a thread i liked didn't care if u made it u could have easily just skipped past what i said but noooo u had to do the teenage thing... and my name is offensive how..
️ I like Korsett's name because I love 18th century fashion. VT stands for vlean team which is the tag for my club strippers inc. Ashy is a childhood nickname because my brother couldn't say his l's when I was born and RAWRR is a group of people brought together by Trisha who loves Dragons
I picked my name because my friend Itsy Bitsy suggested it and I really liked it because I love teddy bears. But now people always wanna Teddy Bear RP with me. So weird
I chose this name because as a child my best friend's mother called me Estefania and I lick my friend's faces when they least expect it.
Well I was originally gonna type unicorn. But it changed to unifo. I like the color purple. And 3 is for my third account
Well LNS is obvious and the rest take it how you want it. Sometimes people piss you off and you just have a itch that needs scratching. So how about you pickles everyone is telling you so lets hear your story. Is it that you just like pickles or is there more to it i think if you use your imagination we could figure it out, or maybe your fav cartoon was rugrats and you had a thing for tommy pickles. So please fill us in we all want to know
I picked my coz my friend once called my orange (orenji-orange and I spelled it wrong thou) and kriss is my short cut name
I picked my username because they were this drunk downtown who had schizophrenia and thought he was Jesus. (A lot of fucking drugs I'm guessing) I figured I should come up with some originality so I decided to go with "god"