Isaac I'm pretty impressed you weren't nervous the first time you helped warrior. Did he feel relieved after you helped him?
Brad your piece of . Your a lil jack rabbit always jumping around to everyones club. Find a home and stay there. Plus really bored given this forum. Find a volley for us or something u ....
Isaac - this could be an opportunity for you to enhance your signature ? Perhaps the signature could show the number of people you have relieved?
You could put like (I can't do the colours) Epicly Isaac Warrior blah blah 13 people relieved of their load
Well you've relieved warrior of his load today and one other person, so you could start counting from now?
Isaac, I believe you have it wrong. You said the game wasn't about winning, it was about helping others win even if it slows you down. That's pretty much the dumbest thing I've seen on the forums. All of ATAs games were built to win at the EXPENSE of others.
EpiclyIsaac is here to relieve men of their load. He's not here to rub them up the wrong way. If you couldn't reach something Isaac would be the first one to give you a reach around. He's relieved at least 3 people today. And when warrior gets on they will go to their glory hole, chew the man fat and come up, with new firm measures