My name has a specific meaning that I yet dont know. I thought it would be magestic if I added a underscore next to a random word. Sponcered by: Deadly Meow Back 2 Back -Fast Completion- AIMD 24/7
My gamer usernames have always been Moon, so i use it whenever i have to have a name online. Decided to make it french. Simple. Lol My name means Crazy Moon xD
Tbh it's Pimdverse, and I came up with it after Lelouch Vi Britannia, a British rebel in an anime who fought for the rights of the elevens (Japanese)
Uh... I didn't come up with my name. But it's kinda simple. Badass coz I am. Berry, nickname. The war fairy... Well gimme war Thank you -Unagad0ri- for the awesome name
im a panda and i stalk a psycho ? jk. Panda, because i took a selfie wearing a panda onsy and everyone in a gc kept calling me panda ? My bfs username on here was psycho so ? I've lost count of all my previous names, a lot ?
Xoxo - hugs and kisses because everyone needs a little of both sometime in their life?... Marija - my name in Croatian. I was born in Australia but my parents are from Croatia. Only my family call me this. Thought to use it on here just cause I couldn't think of anything awesome at the time lol
Miss is because I am a girl Bacon Stealer has 2 reasons First of all I love Bacon Second of all I usually would ask people for bacon Ashy is short for my full first name which is Ashlen Overall my name is my Gamer tag which before was just MissBacon