Your favorite avatar

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Daisy123123, Feb 27, 2017.

  1. I LOVE all city queen but wasnt playing when that hu t came out :((
  2. My Favorite avi is EDM DJ :) My Current avi, i waited so long For this kind of avi. XD and it suits for my name. :)
  3. The duckling magnet ? ducks are life
  4. * Crew roller % the Harley Quinn one, as well.
    * Theatre lover (forest hiker is also good).
    * there's one that's a black girl in a dress (light blue or yellow, depending tier) that I love but didn't get.
    * That navy girl from op's ss, I don't have it but always loved it, *_* .
    * Harlequin.
    * Meeku.
    * Loolee (that ass)
    * May breeze.
    * Star spangled party girl (but I'm not from USA so don't wanna use it).
    * Dormlimpic Marathon runner (ik it's kinda regular, but I like her body shape and her face and hair).
    * Headliner DJ (yeah, I liked it).

    I could probably shorten this list to the most favourite ones, though. There are a few more I like but didn't include them or it'd be even longer.
  5. my favorite avatar is the one im using right now
  6. I like mine. Cause pandas. And curly hair
  7. I use Dany most often, it's pretty cute - and besides, the kitties!  I also really love the Gearhead one, because she looks more like me. ?
  8. Sunset Sweetheart I use her 99% of the time cause she's bae af
    Une Femme
    Killer Prom Queen
    Fedora the Explora
    That guy Easter avi with the SnapBack that's holding the chick
  9. Volleyball captain ? sadly the stats suck for farming
  10. Heyyyyy  that tag
  11. Wait only female ones ?
    That's sexist
  12. Ah true, i forgot
  13. These are my faves

  14. The prince was my first 50% strength avatar :)
  15. He looks so hot ?
  16. So does the women version ?
  17. Males: stone cold snow, the right rabbit, big top showman (circus hunt), torero muerto, backpacker, edm dj, but only from the wait up... Idk if I miss any.

    Edit: oh and the james bond one is great.
  18. I really liked the 2nd but it was hard to get and the 3rd is a sad story.

    As for the first... can't get over his hairclip and the awkward feet ?
  19. Stone Cold Snow
    Punk Skate Queen
    and a few that I can't have :|