When you have a credit that had to be payed and you'll say 'Okay bro I will just DV you the money' and the guy is like 'whut?'
All of these are true. When you ziploc your phone so you can farm in the shower. When the biggest complaint you have about your job is that you can't get a decent wifi connection to play.
When you address your husband's Valentine's Day card to his Pimd name....lol I love you Mr_Imagine!!!
When Your Boyfriend Tells You He's Going To Delete The Game Cause Your On So Much When You Get No Work Done At Work Cause You're Busy Farming
When your rl bf stands before you with your power cord in one hand and scissors in the other and threatens to cut it in half or delete the game.....then you hide the ap.
You drop your phone on your face When the servers crash you have huge panic attack and try aimlessly get back on
you break into a sweat when there's no wifi. You try to explain farming to a nonpimder and get frustrated when they don't understand. Noobs. Hahaha
... you feel much happier receiving diamond rings in PIMD than receiving real ones in real life. Nah. That's impossible.
When you spend actual cash 150.00 on doctors notes just to help friends to finish party's because they started one with no one on and don't want to loose uggg