You Helped Raise $100,000!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd_admin, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. atleast we all know that the people affected will get shelter and food and stuff
  2. That's amazing, thank you so much ATA ♡
  4. Sweet!  Thanks to all the players who contributed!!! 
  5. Inb4 some rich kaw person spent like $70,000.
  6. This is a great help flr the Filipinos who were affected! Thanks ATA
  7. Thats awesome!! But, I still didnt get my award :(
  8. Awww thats so freaken awesome!!!
  9. $100,000 in just one day is great!  but is it just me or does that $100,000 look ting after seeing out pimd banks with billions even trillions 

    Hopefully this $100,000 can help thousands of families that are in desperate need of it 
  10. Thank you ata for giving this opportunity to us to do a good deed. Goes on to prove that pimd is an international community that cares for everyone. Thanks to all those who gave their support.
  11. Well done, everyone!  Thank you so much for helping my fellow Filipinos in distress. We appreciate your kind, and the word thank you is not enough for what you've done! 
  12. Yay, I helped with like 0$ of it!! Yay me!!!!
  13. I don't believe its true at least all the money is true but im not sure there going to get every last cent
  14. YAY? it feels great to help someone in need... but pimd admin I dislike how u said " party in my dorm AND kaw " its like u tried to show us favoritism but it failed when u wrote AND real big for kaw why wont u ever love us like u love KAW
  15. Great! Thanks, ATA!  thanks, everyone! 
  16. Nice Work!
    God Will Bless u Everyone!!!!
  17. That great 