Store item: Bacon Strips Gift item: A water bottle (for them thirsty hoes) Party item: Bacon strips ..
What needs to happen gifts u send friends need to be updated and new gift ideas released and may be do a gifting idea from iconic items around the world like eiffel tower big ben sydney opera house as strength /intel options
Store item: cute tiger Gift item: golden sunglasses maybe with gold dollar signs Drop item: the words swagg on a chain in diamonds
Gift item: Bro's before Hoes Long Sleeved T Shirt. Store item: Pirate Costume Hat and Sword Set 20,000,000 plunder int/str bonus Drop item: Jet plane set - 1. Wings 2. Chassis/Body 3. Engine 4. Tail 5. Landing Wheels - all 5 then turn into a spanking new plane with crew.
Gift: A sweet car. Store: Sling Shot Party drop: Pool balls 1-9 and once you get all 9 get a complete pool table set.