"You Decide!" Contest

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd_admin, Apr 16, 2013.

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  1. Remi... Awesome!
    My ideas:

    Store item: a beat up car (time to bring cars into the game!)
    Gift idea: A cactus (students love those!)
    Party drop: an exotic animal
  2. Hey Remi, guess what! NEWSFLASH! We aren't complaining, we are stating our opinions and what we have seen. Also, if one person wants something, there are probably more people that want the same. Rethink about what you say, then post it.
  3. 1. Store item : black Backpack
    2. Gift item : Lovely Cat
    3. Party drop item : painting
  4. 1. Store item: a crown
    2. Gift item: T-Rex (YES!!!)
    3. Drop item: chicken wings
  5. Okay, well let me remind you of something. Easter. When the devs brought back easter gifts which costed ec EVERYBODY complained that it was not worth it and very very few were willing to pay. Now people want gifts which cost ec that most other players WILL NOT BUY. Can you please all think before posting stuff like that!!
  6. Store item: Big limousine

    Gift Item: Gigantic Hamper

    Party drop:
  7. Store item: limousine

    Gift Item: Giant hamper

    Party Drop: prepared for anything gear pack
  8. to the devs

    while we are on thr topic ofnew things, i really think you should consider making new avatars and a fun way to do it would be to let people vote which ones they want to keep, bring back some of the older ones, and invent some new ones! Then let people vote which ones to keep

    For example, you could nominate 6 avatars to be in the 5ec category
    party girl
    Dance major
    (you could add some of the older ones and some new ones to vote for too)

    i love your avatars which cost 30ec upwards, but its so hard to afford them, it would be good if the cheaper avatars were more tolerable.

  9. 1.store item: a porsch
    2.gift item: a dog, Englishbull terrier
    3.drop item: a giant sausage
  10. Store item: a hookah (with the contents inside unnamed )
    Gift: Lazy Browines 
    Party Item: puff the magic dragon lol
  11. Gift:100 speakers for free
    Party:a pair of wire cutters

  12. store item: a hookah
    gift item: a waffle
    drop item: a top hat
  14. Store Item: College Sweatshirt (Hey everyone, I go here!)
    Gift Item: Matching silverware (I'm a grownup, you can tell because my forks are all the same)
    Party Item: Sink full of dishes (They're my roommate's dishes, I swear)
  15. 1.Store Item: Snapback, Cost: 28Mil

    2.Gift Item: 5Extra Credit's , Cost: 5Mil

    3.Party Drop Item: Vampire Fangs O,..,O
  16. Store item: psy's glasses
    Gift item: baby avatars
    Party drop item: Oreo 
  18. We don't want more items. We don't want more parties.
  19. Also
    For the gift ..A showcase item which is A traffic cone named bob
    For the shop item.. A BABY PANDA ERMERGERD
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