How about stop the crap and give us more dorms and a couple of new Tiers like you've allllllllwaayyyyyyyysssss kept telling us about
Their should either give free doc notes for playing monthly or parties that give you doc notes clearly their isn't any way to earn doc notes
Party item and drop item i dont care. They are just getting harder and arent doingbanything for our stats. Basically worthless. I would however would like to be able to gift people. 2) GIFT ITEMS: EC, DN, OR CASH or speakers (limit on cash gifted to a person)
Just something to consider,this is suppose to be a game that's associated with college,, in the future do something for March Madness
1.Store item: a permanent item like a PimdEspresso that gives a percentage boost the regeneration time item: Bag of Coins -for player selected amount. 3. Party Drop: showcase placement trophy That's my ideas. thank you.
1: weight set that boosts strength 2: any kind of book that boosts intelligence and 3: a 2013 pimd trophy
Store Item: Panda idea sounds good (with bonus to stats) Gift item: The ability to send people ECs DNs Speakers and/or Money (I'll settle for just money) Party Item: Always receiving something for completing a party, whether it is an item, one EC or one DN I do agree that whatever they decide to give us will be ridiculously pricey, but this is my dream list
1.Store Item: Boxing Gloves 2. Gift Item: Divorce Papers, Spy Glasses 3.Drop Item: Pimd Official Bosses Clothing or Accesories