yoga pants

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *lXx_-Dick_Richardson-_xXI (01), Nov 1, 2014.

  1. Yoga pants are the push-up bras for asses
  2. Yoga pants dont add ass tho. They just..... Let the natural ass flow free :D
  3. Celine you little cougar, you!

  4. An image is worth a thousand words...

    See it for yourself...

    Jen Selter ️
  5. Comfy clothes are great.
  6. People poop out of their butts, don't see how people can be IN LOVE with it, liking it is understandable but..
  7. Helena, where is the  ?

    That's right ?
  8. Grandma Helena I got the cougarness from you
  9. Helena everyone doesn't have to dislike it because you do. 
  10. Yoga is the best ️ and the pants are life
  11. Of course the person wearing the yoga pants has to suit the job ^ ?

    I mean... Obviously you don't wear these pants if you're not fit 
  12. Apples yes those ones very nice
  13. Why not?  They're pants, and everyone has the right to wear what they'd please.
  14. Yoga pantsssssss!!!!!!my best friend.....
  15. Exactly Apples.
  16. I always had a feeling peeta was gay, this thread has confirmed it.
  17. Of course everyone has the right to wear what ever the **** they want. People can wear yoga pants, pants, shirts, bikinis, tuxedos, suits... The list goes on, but some clothes don't suit well according to the morphology of certain persons.

    I'm not saying you are not allowed to wear them, I'm just saying other clothes are better
  18. ^ obvs has something against mutants in yoga britches
  19. Theyre so comfy ? i need more pairs of them