Yoga Pants vs. Booty Shorts

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-Pickle, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. Still open?
    If yes i'm in
    Yoga pants? Nice and Tight
  2. I may be a girl but I like seeing a nice butt too 

    How about Yoga booty shorts? 
  3. Just letting you know I upgraded
    Bootyshorts side
  4. Yoga Pants 
    60kcs, may upgrade
  5.  Yoga Pants I'm there
  6. ? join booty shorts and be with me
  7. I'm on booty shorts  we can win this.
  8.  we will win this .
  9. The war will still take place.
    However, I am perm silenced so questions cannot be answered by me on this app.
    If you have a question, ask my pupil and she'll answer it or get in contact with me.
  10. 363KCS yogalove seen em
  11. Yoga pants they let you see everything
  12. Booty shorts for win baby
  13.  Fishy. Yoga pants are wayyyyy better.  sexiest thing eveeeeer
  14. ? no sage! never
    what's so cute about a ? toe?!
  15. Soo are clubs being made soon?