Yoga Pants vs. Booty Shorts

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-Pickle, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. 258 kcs
    Booty shorts
  2. Need more yoga pants participants. If you know someone who likes yoga pants, have them signup here
  3. 430-450 kcs booty shorts
  4. Booty shorts
  5. (Me) Yoga pants - 60kcs
    (James15_) Booty shorts - 73kcs
  6. Booty Shorts
  7. TheRoamingPoop Booty Shorts  87kcs
  8. More for Yoga pants.  Ya'll are going down. 
  9. I'm going to jump straight into yoga pants

  10. Yoga pants 630kcs
  11. Booty shorts  85kcs
  12. Alphadominion 102kcs yoga pants
  13. Change to yoga cuz alz threatened me

  14. Booty shorts 500kcs