Yoga Pants vs. Booty Shorts

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-Pickle, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. Sign me up.
    Yoga pants are awesome
  2. Yoga Pants!
    Ill try to participate if it doesn't interfere with the iOS v Android war
  3. Yoga Pants 
    196kcs might upgrade soon.
  4. Booty shorts 7,608kcs.......

  5. Booty Shorts 
  6. 312kcs ... booty shorts
    will upgrade before war?
  7. Just to annoy friends on the yoga pants side sign me up for booty shorts 414kcs and id like to sign up my alt if thats cool to pest hes 19kcs currently
  8. Booty Shorts!
  9.  I thought you don't like ass
  10. takaveng 95kcs
  11. Booty shorts!
  12. takaveng 95kcs booty shorts
  13. Booty shorts please 228kcs but will upgrade before then hopefully AbusedPsychoKiltWearnAnyaCooks
  14. Tweak 
  15. A side note: Alts ARE allowed, but they HAVE to be in the same club you are. We do not want a war with spies. Any individual found spying will be kicked, both alt and main.
  16. Yoga Pants 
    138 kcs
  17. Every time I walk through a door, people tell me they saw me 12 inches ago
  18. Two day or one?
    TOTS-Marty 284kcs
  19. Sorry let me try that one again:
    Yoga pants