Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cactus_Jack, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Suplex^ damn autocorrect.
  2. Yes wwe is fake blah blah blah its scripted blah blah blaaahh so is every pro wrestling business and yes that includes tna idc i still think its entertaining its like saying im not gonna the walking dead cause the characters and zombies arent real. idc if its fake its always been fake even before vince owned it when his dad owned it its always been just about entertainment dont worry if its fake its still entertaining
  3. gonna *watch*
  4. yeah bring back bikini contests and bra and panties match then ill watch again #pgerasucks
  5. It may be fake, but it's entertainment. It takes shit tons of talent to do what they do and it doesn't always turn out like planned. For god sakes anyone see Chris Jerichos leg after he hit the turn buckle last night? I'm sure as hell that wasn't planned, and you know it hurt, but he pushed through it like a champ and finished his match. They're extremely talented athletes, and it's entertaining to watch.
  6. Also loving the new legends house, damn good show.
  7. legends seems legit every non pg match is legit
  8. ^She loves wwe a lot

    Btw there is a club called wwe
  9. Lets not forget how awesome the Lumberjack match was
  10. does any remeber how vince made trish strip that was a view
  11. I.like WWE but matches are getting predictable, brock won the title because how can he beat the undertaker and not cena? Dolph won intercontinental because miz prob has movie stuff to do. Paige won divas, to keep the rivalry with AJ.
  12. Lmao it was the most predictable summerslam ever!!
  13. also how hot is roman 
  14. Idk hot as the rock? Lol
  15. Can anyone bump me up to 1b BTW? Lol
  16. Wait hold on WWE club? also yeah I was pissed when the Russian flag was raised. ? jack swagger was kickin some ass, and Cena will get them belts back. Only a matter of time. Kinda glad Aj lost the belt, her skipping annoys the tar outta me, and that lumber jack match where Seth was runnin like a bitch hilarious. ? then hits dean with his briefcase I mean what a bitch move OMG. Was glad to see the USO brothers out too that was awesome just wish they would of had a match.
  17. I enjoyed Summer Slam, started out kind if slow, but it ended well. It was very predictable and the Rusev win pissed me off ? if Lana wasn't so hot I would have just skipped it  Nikki turning on Brie can make a good storyline just hope they take it in a good direction  and lets just say Steph could make me her bitch any day cos she still got it 

  18. This is gonna be an interesting match .. Think Batista will win? Lol
  19. theyre trying to get cena to win the most titles, which is why his winning, loosing, winning, loosing.