would you rather?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *---TEXAS_CARTEL--- (01), Feb 9, 2014.

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  1. Im mexican an "jb" fan so wut
  2. Honestly, I don't give 1 chocolate chip cookie dipped IN WARM MILK. All I'm gonna say is: USA IS LIKE THE BEST COUNTRY EVER
  3. Half of my people originated here...I think. Does this mean you deport half of me? ??
  4. Racism is like a sport, everyone's gotta play, but in the end, the white guy is the best at handling balls.
  5. Yeah deport all the black ppl back to Africa lol
  6. I was born in new york.. U gonna deport me back there?
  7. No, back to africa
  8. Back somewhere i've never been... Your logic is flawed
  9. Yeah, back to africa
  10. I thought this would be locked by now lol
  11. Deport the Beiber Fans!!!!!!
  12. Then deport all the white people back to Europe Russa Or wherewver there ancestors are from. Last time I checked Native Americans were true "Americans"
  13. Nope native Americans came from asia
  14. Well this is the stupidest thread I've ever read.... ?
  15. This is a stupid thread,noone deserves to be deported from where they grew up. And to be honest it's really obvious the guy that made this is racist. News flash sir,there are only a hand full of true Americans still left in america (the native Indians) Everyone else migrated there, so shut your trap and be grateful that u get to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
  16. I wouldn't deport anyone
  17. If you really think all blacks are from africa then you op need to go back to school..... Idiot...
  18. Deport everyone who's not all or part Native American Indian. We want out land back.

  19. I would rather be an alien
  20. If u deported JB fans he would still have thm as fans.
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